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María Fernanda Arias Núñez


The knowledge society, as an engine of economic and social development, is present in the minds of academics, entrepreneurs and government officials.  This implies that globally there is a need for the academy to contribute with the  productive sector and for the State to support this integration. This paper  tries to reveal the perceptions of members of the academy, the enterprises  nd the Argentinian State on the scope of this triangulation; which means the  relationship between the three vertex: the scientific and technological system, the productive system and the governmental system to cooperate in  conjunction. It also seeks to expose its position on the alleged  commodification of knowledge and the state’s role as an intermediary and provider of scientific policies.

Knowledge Society, Perceptions, Business, Academy, StateSociedad del conocimiento, Percepciones, Empresa, Academia, Estado

How to Cite
Arias Núñez, M. F. (2013). The Knowledge Society in Argentina. Perceptions of Academics, Businessmen and Government Officials. Universitas Humanística, 76(76). Retrieved from