Published Jun 5, 2016


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Sebastián Líppez De Castro

Roberto García Alonso



The adoption, use, and spread of the New Information and Communication Technologies (NTICs) in public organizations has been a top interest matter during the last few years; among others, because from them it is expected a certain change in the relationship between State and society. In contrast with perspectives that overvalue the role of technology in promoting a more open and efficient public management, this article explores an important dimension for a full development of potentialities granted to these new technologies: the integration of the human aspect. So, the analysis focuses on the potentiality of the electronic government to foster citizen participation. For this purposes we reviewed the websites of the 32 capital municipalities of the departments of Colombia and we assessed the presence of a cluster of characteristics aimed to provide information, citizen consultation, and an active citizen participation and commitment.


electronic government, active participation, new information and communication technologies, e-deliberation, citizen commitment, government onlinegobierno electrónico, participación activa, Nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación, e-deliberación, compromiso ciudadano, Gobierno

How to Cite
Líppez De Castro, S., & García Alonso, R. (2016). Citizens and Electronic Government: Colombian Municipal Website Citizen Guidance to Promote Participation. Universitas Humanística, 82(82).
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