Published Jul 15, 2022


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Mario Alberto Cajas Sarria

Juan Pablo Sarmiento Erazo



The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged the scientific community, the economy, health systems and of course, the Law. A significant number of States have imposed general and localized restriction and lockdown measures to control the disease and its spread. However, vaccination appears as one of the most effective tools to combat its spread and lethality, which is why a legal debate has been opened about its mandatory nature. In this article it is argued that, despite the affectation to some fundamental rights, restrictive measures to promote vaccination could overcome the weighting judgment. To support this argument, we will proceed to develop some constitutional "scenarios" and address the reasonableness and proportionality of the most common measures identified in the comparative experience.


Mandatory vaccination, proportionality and reasonableness test, restrictions on public liberties, COVID-19 pandemic, mandatory confinementsvacunación obligatoria, test de proporcionalidad y razonabilidad, restricciones a libertades públicas, pandemia de la covid-19, confinamientos obligatorios

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How to Cite
Cajas Sarria, M. A., & Sarmiento Erazo, J. P. (2022). Proportionality and reasonableness of mandatory vaccination against covid-19: Approaches from contemporary constitutionalism. Vniversitas, 71, 1–26.
Edición ordinaria