Published Dec 15, 2023


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Juan Carlos Naizir Sistac



This research article aims to study the influence and changes that information and communications technologies -ICT- have generated in the judicial process regarding the correction of the claim and testimonial evidence, as well as the effects of digital justice to hold judicial hearings in person or virtually studied in the constitutionality statement C-134 of May 3, 2023 issued by the Constitutional Court of Colombia in which the constitutionality of the bill that modifies the law is reviewed statutory regulation of the administration of justice – Law 270 of 1996 –. It is concluded that by applying technology and virtuality to the judicial process, the correction of the claim must be integrated into a single document and the testimonial evidence has been modified in the way in which the spontaneity of the witness is protected and the inconveniences of being ruled out due to inability when the witness has a relative inability to testify virtually. Likewise, the Constitutional Court's affinity for virtual hearings, whether or not they involve evidence, and the judge's determination to define the modality of the hearing, stand out. For its preparation, the dogmatic method of legal research has been used, which takes into account the legal provisions, doctrine and jurisprudence of the high courts in Colombia.


technology, virtuality, process, court hearing, testimony, claim correctiontecnología, virtualidad, proceso, audiencia, testimonio, subsanación de la demanda

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How to Cite
Naizir Sistac, J. C. (2023). Technological Impact on Procedural Law: Claim Correction, Testimonial Evidence and Constitutionality Statement C-134 of 2023. Vniversitas, 72.
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