Published Jun 25, 2013

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Chaïm Perelman



This article argues that we must recognize the existence of a legitimate power whose authority rests upon a recognized ideology. A critique of this ideology can only be made by another ideology and this conflict of ideologies is at the base of our contemporary spiritual life. To deny conflict among ideologies is to foster dogmatism and orthodoxy and allow political power to dominate the life of thought. Denying all value to ideologies is to return political life to an armed struggle for power from which the most influential military leader will undoubtedly emerge successful. Allowing the universities to function under the safeguard of academic freedom is recognition of the existence of values other than those of force. It is the admission that no ideology is free of criticism and that no ideology can count on brute force to assure its survival.


authority, ideology, violence, university, freedom, powerautoridad, ideología, violencia, universidad, libertad, poder

How to Cite
Perelman, C. (2013). Authority, Ideology and Violence. Universitas Philosophica, 30(60). Retrieved from