Published Jun 25, 2008

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Sebastián Alejandro González Montero


In order to uplift the term ‘recognition’ into a philosophical status the theoretical elements of synthesis, scheme and time are seen in a problematic and suggestive direction. What Ricoeur calls ‘agesture in renunciation of Kant’ in The Course of Recognition, becomes a starting point to characterize recognition in a different dimension no longer restricted to the transcendental level of categories of relation. After defining recognition in the contextof the Kantian reflection of the triple synthesis, this essay is devoted to the transcendental schematism and the homogeneous character of time in between sensible and conceptual fields. Finally, the idealist profile in the definition of time is questioned trying to reflect on its concept with no reference to its conditionsof possibility.

recognition, synthesis, time, scheme, memoryreconocimiento, síntesis, tiempo, esquema, memoria

How to Cite
González Montero, S. A. (2008). Ricoeur and Kant. Recognition, Sythesis and Time. Universitas Philosophica, 25(50). Retrieved from