Published Mar 16, 2012


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Héctor Samuel Villada-Castillo, PhD

Diana Paola Navia-Porras, MSc

Silvio Andrés Mosquera-Sánchez, MSc



This article assesses semi-rigid biopolymers in terms of their tensile strength. Traction or tension tests were carried out to determine the máximum rupture force of materials made from native cassava flour (MCOL 2261), carboxymethyl cellulose and sorbitol. The experimental conditions were: sorbitol concentrations at 10, 15, 20 and 25%, drying times of 28,800, 50,400, 72,000 and 93,600 seconds at 40°C, and particle size of native cassava flour of 250, 425 and 600 μm The samples with 15% sorbitol, bigger particle size and longer drying time showed greater force at the breaking generated by tensile stress.


Biopolymers, plant polymers, cassavaprocessingBiopolímeros, polímeros vegetales, procesamiento de la yuca

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How to Cite
Villada-Castillo, H. S., Navia-Porras, D. P., & Mosquera-Sánchez, S. A. (2012). Effect of drying time, plasticizer concentration and particle size on the rupture force of semi-rigid materials based on thermoplastic cassava flour. Ingenieria Y Universidad, 15(2).