Published Mar 30, 2009

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Carlos Eduardo Fúquene-Retamoso

Nazly Bibiana Córdoba-Pinzón

Jaime Andrés Lara-Borrero

Sandra Méndez-Fajardo



This research performs life cycle analysis of threaded unions manufactured in PVC. The analysis proposes two scenarios according to the amount of recycled material used in the process. One of the scenarios is based on 45% of recycled material and the other one is based on 100% of raw virgin material usage. The analysis was made by means of the software tool Simapro® version 7.0, establishing the environmental impact rating by the Ecoindicator 99 methodology. Data were collected from databases, observation and measurement of an industrial process, specific prototype development under laboratory conditions and interviews with experts. When a composition of 100% of virgin raw material was used for the product, significant effects observed during the product´s life cycle were related to fossil fuel consumption and the generation of inorganic materials in suspension. For a product composition with 45% of recycled material, the most significant effects were related to the generation of inorganic materials in suspension and climate change. Environmental impact diminution was observed in the fossil fuel consumption, acidification / eutrophication, inorganic materials in suspension and climate change categories. Using recycled material in this product lowers the contribution of fossil fuels to the environmental impact from 56% to 5%, compared to the contribution of the other impact categories.


Evaluación del impacto ambiental, aprovechamiento de residuos, uniones (ingeniería)Environmental impact analysis, waste utilization, joints (engineering)

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How to Cite
Fúquene-Retamoso, C. E., Córdoba-Pinzón, N. B., Lara-Borrero, J. A., & Méndez-Fajardo, S. (2009). Evaluation of environmental impact diminution when recycled material is used for threaded unions . Ingenieria Y Universidad, 13(1). Retrieved from

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