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The Journal Cuadernos MAVAE only accepts manuscripts for dossier within the deadlines established for each call for papers. All submitted manuscripts must be original and must not have been simultaneously submitted to publication in any other journal or editorial board.

The general format of the paper must follow these submission guidelines.  

  1. The manuscript must be in Microsoft Word format.
  2. The length of all papers must be from 6000 to 9000 words.
  3. Use Times New Roman 12-point font for the entire text ―including footnotes, quotes, titles, and tables, among others―, double spaced, justified and with 3 cm margin all around.
  4. All pages must be numbered in consecutive order at the bottom right corner.
  5. The pages of the paper must not be headed with the author’s name, the title of the paper, or the affiliated institution.
  6. The title of the article should be in the original language of the paper. 
  7. The abstract should be in the original language of the paper. It should be no longer than 250 words and it should specify the objectives, methodology, results, conclusion, and original contribution of the paper.
  8. Keywords (four to six) should be in the original language of the paper. 
  9. In an additional document, please provide the following information: title of the paper, author’s name, ID ORCID, shortened curriculum ―including city, telephone, address, e-mail and titles obtained―, your current institutional or academic affiliation, the nature of the paper ―research, reflection, review― and whether it is the result o any research project (thesis, scholarship, stimulus, etc.).
  10. All of the graphic material ―tables, figures, illustrations, photographs, plans, maps― must be cited in the text, either directly or between parentheses. The material must be sent in a separate file and it must be numbered consecutively according to the order in which they appear in the article. Said file must include a list with the captions, making sure they correspond exactly and that they include the following information: title or identification of content, source, and author―if any. The material must be submitted in TIF or JPG format, with a resolution of at least 300 dpi, not exceed 20 items in total; charts, figures and tables may be submitted in Excel format. Any copyright required for publication must be arranged by the author of the paper. To publish interviews, the author must secure the consent of the interviewee.
  11. The journal uses the Chicago citation style. Check the Chicago-Deusto Manual of Style here.
  12. Send the article application to OJS. The journal only accepts papers for the dossier specified in the call for papers.


If you have any questions or concerns in this regard, you may write us at: revista.mavae@javeriana.edu.co 


Los nombres y direcciones de correo-e introducidos en esta revista se usarán exclusivamente para los fines declarados por esta revista y no estarán disponibles para ningún otro propósito u otra persona.

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