Published Jan 1, 2024


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José Ontiveros Grimaldo



In this work the monologue Blackface y otras vergüenzas (Blackface and other embarrassments), by Silvia Albert Sopale, is analyzed and we will establish in which way the anti-racist discourse is present in the play. In order to reveal the motives that encouraged the author to write it, we will use the theory of motives and strategies, a method that seems to be effective in determining and identifying the aspects of reality that are dealt with in the work. Through the strategy of monologue, the author questions and denounces the racist practices still installed in society. These “embarrassments” such as blackface and some others are exposed by Albert Sopale as ignominious acts perpetrated by whites against the black population. It is explained why the monologue is the ideal aesthetic mediation for the author to transpose her world-view on racism.


blackface, monologue, anti-racism, discourse, decolonialism, motivesblackface, monólogo, antirracismo, discurso, decolonialismo, motivosblackface, monólogo, antirracismo, discurso, decolonialismo, motivos

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How to Cite
Ontiveros Grimaldo, J. (2024). Anti-racist dramaturgy in Blackface y otras vergüenzas by Silvia Albert Sopale. Cuadernos De Música, Artes Visuales Y Artes Escénicas, 19(1), 62–79.