Published Dec 28, 2021


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Maria Isabel Naranjo Cano



This paper is based on a research + creation project developed at the University of San Buenaventura in Medellín, which takes effect in the current social, political and artistic context in which social and cultural manifestations have emerged with evident relevance, with few antecedents in our Colombian society. Cuerpos bélicos is a performance that took place in Medellín during 2019 and 2020, and which was shown at the 7th International Performance Biennial (Bogotá, 2021), in which an artist walks down the street wearing war masks as a subversive act in a conflict situation. The goals are to delve further into performance art as a transgressive action of public space, to reflect on the body as a generator of sensitive experience, and to discuss the language of art assumed as a subversion of reality. This paper addresses artistic action as a methodology for the debate on war fables, the body as a creative power, and performance as the possibility of assuming war as a form of existence. Finally, we draw conclusions in the face of the subversive fabrications that the body can create in a social and political space, from the representations of its corporeality, transformed by the symbolic language of art, through the philosophical figure of the fold.


cuerpo, subversión, performance, espacio urbano, guerrawar, urban space, performance, subversion, bodycorpo, subversão, performance, espaço urbano, guerra

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How to Cite
Naranjo Cano, M. I. (2021). Body and Armor: Performative Act in Times of Turmoil. Cuadernos De Música, Artes Visuales Y Artes Escénicas, 17(1), 152–171.