Published Dec 28, 2021


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Viviana Silva Flores



Since 18 October 2019, “Chile changed” through an effervescent social uprising that revealed the inequalities of the political, economic, and social system that, for years, have plunged most of the population into a life without wellbeing. After this “uprising,” the Government declared the state of exception, with a type of violence that has not been seen since the last dictatorship, which triggered in our collective memory images of our recent past and which attacked us both physically and symbolically. It was an incursion in the field of mnemotechnics that brought to light the open relationships between past and present and which made clear our forms of resistance and their continuities. Just as, during the autarchy, several female artists and citizens put their bodies on stage through brave and creative actions that revealed the violence imposed, today, other artistic and aesthetic-political practices place the body back in the public space in order to imagine a livable life. With them, with their actions and artistic practices, we go through some works of arts, actions, and performances that, in their social practice, bring us closer to the current challenges in defense of life. These works invoke that other writing of history to create not only new ways of doing and narrating our corporeity and fractured subjectivities, but also to articulate and enhance our memories and resistances from the collective in order to transform the/our world


cuerpas(os), estallido social, memorias, prácticas artísticas, resistenciasbodies, social uprising, memories, artistic practices, resistancescorpas, surto social, recordações, práticas artísticas, resistências

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How to Cite
Silva Flores, V. (2021). Bodies, Memories, and Resistances: Artistic Practices in Chile During the State of Exception. Cuadernos De Música, Artes Visuales Y Artes Escénicas, 17(1), 172–191.