Publicado sep 6, 2016


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Diana Londono-Correa

César Garzón



Este artículo revisa investigaciones de la actividad política corporativa (CPA), publicadas entre 2004 y 2015 en diferentes journals. Un hallazgo sorprendente son las pocas investigaciones que se ocupan de la CPA en casos latinoamericanos. Para promover la investigación sobre la CPA en estos contextos se presenta un programa de investigación de tres fases: preguntas básicas, combinación de tópicos y otras temáticas de interés. Esta agenda puede trazar un camino para la investigación de la CPA que no solo apoye la práctica con conocimiento administrativo contextualizado sino que visibilice las acciones políticas de las empresas y desde ahí se propicie el control de comportamientos indebidos.


, Latin America, non-market strategy, relationships between enterprises and governments.América Latina, estrategia de no-mercado, relaciones entre empresas y gobiernos.América Latina, estratégia de não mercados, relações entre empresas e governos

Álvarez, V. (2003). De las sociedades de negocios al “Sindicato Antioqueño” un camino centenario, en C. Dávila L. de Guevara (comp.). Empresas y empresarios colombianos siglos XIX – XX (pp. 213-246). Bogotá: Norma.
Anastasiadis, S. (2014). Toward a view of citizenship and lobbying: Corporate engagement in the political process. Business y Society, 53 (2), 260-299.
Arévalo, D. y O. Rodríguez. (2001). Gremios, reformas tributarias y administración de impuestos en Colombia. Bogotá: Universidad Externado de Colombia.
Bandeira de Mello, R.; R. Marcon, and A. Alberton. (2008). Drivers of discretionary firm donations in Brazil. Brazilian Administration Review, 5 (4), 275-288.
Bandeira de Mello, R., and R. Marcon. (2005). Unpacking firm effects: Modeling political alliances in variance decomposition of firm performance in turbulent environments. Brazilian Administration Review, 2 (1), 21-37.
Baron, D. (2010). Business and its environment. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Baron, D. (1995). The nonmarket strategy system. Sloan Management Review, 37 (1), 73-85.
Baysinger, B. (1984). Domain maintenance as an objective of business political activity: An expanded typology. The Academy of Management Journal, 9 (2), 248-258.
Bejarano, J. (1985). Economía y poder: la SAC y el desarrollo agropecuario colombiano 1871-1984. Bogotá: Fondo Editorial CEREC.
Boddewyn, J. (2007). The internationalization of the public-affairs function in U.S. multinational enterprises. Business and Society, 46 (2), 136-173.
Boddewyn, J., and T. Brewer. (1994). International business political behavior: New theoretical directions. Academy of Management Review, 19 (1), 119-143.
Bonardi, J. (2004). Global and political strategies in deregulated industries: The asymmetric behaviors of former monopolies. Strategic Management Journal, 25, 101-120.
Bonardi, J.; A. Hillman, and G. Keim. (2005). The attractiveness of political markets: Implications for firm strategy. Academy of Management Review, 30 (2), 397-413.
Bonardi, J.; G. Holburn, and R. Vanden Bergh. (2006). Nonmarket strategy performance: Evidence from U.S. electric utilities. Academy of Management Journal, 49 (6), 1209-1228.
Bonardi, J., and G. Keim. (2005). Corporate political strategies for widely salient issues. Academy of Management Review, 30 (3), 555-576.
Boubakri, N.; S. Mansi, and W. Saffar. (2013). Political institutions, connectedness, and corporate risk-taking. Journal of International Business Studies, 44 (3), 195-215.
Brockman, P.; O. Rui, and H. Zou. (2013). Institutions and the performance of politically connected MyA. Journal of International Business Studies, 44 (8), 833-852.
Buchanan, J., and G. Tullock. (1962). The calculus of consent. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan.
Cerutti, M. (2004). Los estudios en América Latina. ¿El debate interminable? En Las regiones y la historia empresarial (pp. 11-25). Medellín: Universidad Eafit.
Chizema, A.; X. Liu, J. Lu, and L. Gao. (2015). Politically connected boards and top executive pay in chinese listed firms. Strategic Management Journal, 36 (6), 890-906.
Clark, C. E., and E. Perrault. (2012). Influencing climate change policy: The effect of shareholder pressure and firm environmental performance. Business and Society, 51 (1), 148-175.
Cook, R., and D. Fox. (2000). Resources, frequency and methods: an analysis of small and medium-sized firms’ public policy activities. Business and Society, 39, 94-113.
Costa, M.; R. Bandeira de Mello, e R. Marcon. (2013). Influência da conexão política na diversificação dos grupos empresariais brasileiros. Revista de Administração de Empresas, 53 (4), 376-387.
Cuervo, A. (2008). The multinationalization of developing country MNEs: The case of multilatinas. Journal of International Management, 14 (2), 138-154. doi:
Diestre, L., and N. Rajagopalan. (2011). An environmental perspective on diversification: The effects of chemical relatedness and regulatory sanctions. Academy of Management Journal, 54 (1), 97-115.
Diniz, E. (2003). Empresariado, Estado y políticas públicas en Brasil. América Latina Hoy, 33, 125-156.
Donaldson, T. (1999). Making stakeholder theory whole. Academy of Management Review, 24 (2), 237-241.
Dossi, M. y L. Lissin. (2011). La acción empresarial organizada: propuesta de abordaje para el estudio del empresariado. Revista Mexicana de Sociología, 72 (3), 415-449.
Epstein, E. (1969). The Corporation in American Politics. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.
Feinberg, S., and A. Gupta. (2009). MNC subsidiaries and country risk: Internationalization as a safeguard against weak external institutions. Academy of Management Journal, 52 (2), 381-390.
Frankel, C., and E. Hojbjerg. (2012). The political standardizer. Business and Society, 51 (4), 602-625.
Frynas, J.; K. Mellahi, and G. Pigman. (2006). First movers advantage in international business and firm-specific political resources. Strategic Management Journal, 27, 321-345.
Gardberg, N., and C. Fombrun. (2006). Corporate citizenship: Creating intangible assets across institutional environments. Academy of Management Review, 31 (2), 329-346.
Garrido, C. y W. Peres. (1998). Las grandes empresas y grupos industriales latinoamericanos en los años noventa. En W. Peres (ed.). Grandes empresas y grupos industriales latinoamericanos. México DF: Siglo XXI.
Getz, K. (1997). Research in corporate political action. Business and Society, 36 (1), 32-72.
Giacalone, R. (1997). Asociaciones empresariales, integración y Estado. Colombia y Venezuela. Nueva Sociedad, 151, 155-167.
Grier, K.; M. Munger, and B. Roberts. (1994). The determinants of industry political activity, 1978-1986. The American Political Science Review, 88 (4), 911-926.
Griffin, J., and P. Dunn. (2004). Corporate public affairs: Commitment, resources, and structure. Business and Society, 43 (2), 196-220.
Hadani, M., and S. Coombes. (2015). Complementary relationships between corporate philanthropy and corporate political activity: an exploratory study of political marketplace contingencies. Business and Society, 54 (6), 859-881.
Hadani, M., and D. Schuler. (2013). In search of El Dorado: The elusive financial returns on corporate political investments. Strategic Management Journal, 34 (2), 165-181.
Hadani, M. (2007). Family matters: Founding family firms and corporate political activity. Business and Society, 46 (4), 395-428.
Hansen, W., and N. Mitchell. (2000). Disaggregating and explaining corporate political activity: Domestic and foreign corporations in national politics. The American Political Science Review, 94 (4), 891-903.
Henisz, W., and B. Zelner. (2005). Legitimacy, interest group pressures, and change in emergent institutions: The case of foreign investors and host country govenments. Academy of Mananagement Review, 30 (2), 361-382.
Hillman, A. (2005). Politicians on the board of directors: Do connections affect the bottom line? Journal of Management, 31 (3), 464-481.
Hillman, A. (2003). Determinants of political strategies in U.S. multinational. Business and Society, 42 (4), 455-484.
Hillman, A., and M. Hitt. (1999). Corporate political strategy formulation: A model of approach, participation, and strategy decisions. The Academy of Management Journal, 24 (4), 825-842.
Hillman, A., and G. Keim. (1995). International variation in the business-government interface: Institutional and organizational considerations. Academy of Management Review, 20 (1), 193-214.
Hillman, A.; G. Keim, and D. Schuler. (2004). Corporate political activity: A review and research agenda. Journal of Management, 30 (6), 837-857.
Hillman, A., and W. Wan. (2005). The determinants of MNE subsidiaries’ political strategies: Evidence of institutional duality. Journal of International Business Studies, 36, 322-340.
Holburn, G., and R. Vanden Bergh. (2014). Integrated market and nonmarket strategies: Political campaign contributions around merger and acquisition events in the energy sector. Strategic Management Journal, 35 (3), 450-460.
Holburn, G., and R. Vanden Bergh. (2008). Making friends in hostile environments: politicas strategy in regulated industries. Academy of Mananagement Journal, 33 (2), 521-540.
Holburn, G., and B. Zelner. (2010). Political capabilities, political risk, and international investment strategy: Evidence from the global electric power generation industry. Strategic Management Journal, 31 (12), 1257-1370.
Hutzschenreuter, T., and I. Kleindienst. (2006). Strategy-process research: What have we learned and what is still to be explored. Journal of Management, 32 (5), 673-720.
Jia, N. (2014). Are collective political actions and private political actions substitutes or complements? Empirical evidence from China’s private sector. Strategic Management Journal, 35 (2), 292-315.
Jiménez, A. (2002). Stakeholders. Una forma innovadora de gobernabilidad de empresa. Bogotá: Uniandes.
Keim, G., and B. Baysinger. (1988). The efficacy of business political activity: Competitive considerations in a principal - agent context. Journal of Management, 14 (2), 163-180.
Keim, G., and C. Zeithaml. (1986). Corporate political strategy and legislative decision making: A review and contingency approach. Academy of Management Review, 11 (4), 828-843.
Kennedy, S. (2007). Transnational political alliances: An exploration with evidence from China. Business and Society, 46, 174-200.
Kolk, A., and J. Pinkse. (2007). Multinationals’ political activities on climate change. Business and Society, 46 (2), 201-228.
Lamberg, J.; M. Skippari, J. Eloranta, and S. Makinen. (2004). The evaluation of corporate political action: A framework for processual analysis. Business and Society, 43 (4), 335-365.
Lawton, Th.; S. McGuire, and T. Rajwani. (2013). Corporate Political Activity: A literature review and research agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews, 15 (1), 86-105.
Lenway, S., and K. Rehbein. (1991). Leaders, followers, and free riders: An empirical test of variation in corporate political involvement. The Academy of Management Journal, 34 (4), 893-905.
Lester, R.; A. Hillman, A. Zardkoohi, and A. Cannella Jr. (2008). Former government officials as outside directors: The role of human and social capital. Academy of Mananagement Journal, 51 (5), 999-1013.
Li, H., and Y. Zhang. (2007). The role of managers’ political networking and functional experience in new venture performance: Evidence from China’s transitional economy. Strategic Management Journal, 28, 791-804.
Li, H., and X. Liang. (2015). A Confucian social model of political appointments among Chinese private-firm entrepreneurs. Academy of Management Journal, 58 (2), 592-617.
Lord, M. (2000a). Constituency-based lobbying as corporate political strategy: Testing an agency theory perspective. Business and Politics, 2, 289-308.
Lord, M. (2000b). Corporate political strategy and legislative decision making. Business and Society, 39 (1), 76-93.
Luo, Y., and H. Zhao. (2013). Doing business in a transitional society: Economic environment and relational political strategy for multinationals. Business y Society, 52 (3), 515-549.
Mantere, Z.; K. Pajunen, and J. Lamberg. (2007). Vices and virtues of corporate political activity: The challenge of international business. Business and Society, 48 (1), 105-132.
Macher, J., and J. Mayo. (2015). Influencing public policy making: firm-, industry-, and country-level determinants. Strategic Management Journal, 36 (13), 2021-2038.
Meznar, M., and J. Johnson. (2005). Business - government relations within a contingency theory framework: Strategy, structure, fit, and performance. Business and Society, 44 (2), 119-143.
Mitchel, R.; B. Agle, and D. Wood. (1997). Toward a theory of stakeholder identification and salience: Defining the principle of who and what really counts. Academy of Management Review, 22 (4), 853-886.
Nag, R.; D. Hambrick, and M. Chen. (2007). What is strategic management, really? Inductive derivation of a consensus definition of the field. Strategic Management Journal, 28 (9), 935-955.
Olson, M. (1965). The logic of colective action: Public goods and the theory of groups. Cambridge: Harvard University.
Ozer, M., and E. Alakent. (2013). The influence of ownership structure on how firms make corporate political strategy choices. Business y Society, 52 (3), 451-472.
Parker, G.; S. Parker, and M. Dabros. (2013). The labor market for politicians: Why ex-legislators gravitate to lobbying. Business y Society, 52 (3), 427-450.
Porter, M. y M. Kramer. (2006). Estrategia y sociedad. Harvard Business Review América Latina, diciembre, 3-15.
Ramírez, C., and C. Eigen-Zucchi. (2001). Understanding the Clayton Act of 1914: An analysis of the interest group hypothesis. Public Choice, 106, 157-181.
Rehbein, K., and D. Schuler. (1995). The firm as a filter: A conceptual framework for corporate political strategies. Academy of Management Journal Best Paper Proceedings, 406-410.
Rettberg, A. (2001a). The dilemmas of business representation: The uneasy relationship of economic groups (EGs) and business associations in Colombia, 1994 - 1998. Paper presented at the Latin American Studies Association, Washington DC.
Rettberg, A. (2001b). The political preferences of diversified business groups: Lessons from Colombia, 1994-1998. Business and Politics, 3 (1), 47-63.
Robinson, J. (2005). A normal latinamerican country? A perspective on colombian development. Recuperado el 19 de septiembre de 2013 de hppt://
Rufín, C.; P. Parada, e E. Serra. (2008). O Paradoxo das estratégias multidomésticas num mundo global: Testemunho das estratégias de “nãomercado” nos países em desenvolvimento. Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios, 10 (26), 63-85.
Salamon, L., and J. Siegfried. (1977). Economic power and political influence: The impact of industry structure on public policy. The American Political Science Review, 71 (3), 1026-1043.
Sawant, R. (2012). Asset specificity and corporate political activity in regulated industries. Academy of Management Review, 37 (2), 194-210.
Schuler, D. (1996). Corporate political strategy and foreign competition: The case of the steel industry. The Academy of Management Journal, 39 (3), 720-737.
Schuler, D.; K. Schnietz, and S. Baggett. (2002). Determinants of foreign trade mission participation: An analysis of corporate political and trade activities. Business and Society, 41, 6-35.
Shaffer, B. (1995). Firm - level responses to government regulation: Theoretical and research approaches. Journal of Management, 21 (3), 495-514.
Shaffer, B., and A. Hillman. (2000). The development of business-government strategies by diversified firms. Strategic Management Journal, 21 (2), 175-190.
Skippari, M.; J. Eloranta, J. Lamberg, and P. Parvinen. (2005). Conceptual and theoretical underpinnings in the research of corporte political activity: A bibliometric analysis. The Finnish Journal of Business Economics, 54 (2), 185-208.
Tian, Z.; T. Hafsi, and W. Wu. (2009). Institutional determinism and political strategies: An empirical investigation. Business and Society, 48 (3), 284-325.
Tirado, R. (2006). El poder en las cámaras industriales de México. Foro Internacional, XLVI (2). México D.F.: El Colegio de México.
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Vieira, K.; S. da Silva Zacharias, L. Broering, M. Arreola, and R. Bandeira de Mello. (2013). The role of home country political resources for brazilian multinational companies. Brazilian Administration Review, 10 (4), 415-438.
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Windsor, D. (2007). Towards a global theory of cross-border and multilevel corporate political activity. Business and Society, 46 (2), 253-278.
Cómo citar
Londono-Correa, D., & Garzón, C. (2016). Actividad Política Corporativa: balance y tópicos de investigación en los contextos latinoamericanos. Cuadernos De Administración, 29(52), 229–260.