Publicado Sep 6, 2016


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Diana Londono-Correa

César Garzón



Este artigo revisa pesquisas sobre a atividade política corporativa (APC) publicadas entre 2004 e 2015 em diferentes periódicos. Um achado surpreendente são as poucas pesquisas que tratam da APC nos contextos latino-americanos. Para promover a pesquisa sobre a APC nesses casos, apresenta-se um programa de pesquisa de três fases: perguntas básicas, combinação de tópicos e outras temáticas de interesse, o que pode estabelecer um caminho para a pesquisa da APC que não somente apoie a prática com conhecimento administrativo contextualizado, mas também que visibilize as ações políticas das empresas e, a partir disso, propicie o controle de comportamentos indevidos.


, Latin America, non-market strategy, relationships between enterprises and governments.América Latina, estrategia de no-mercado, relaciones entre empresas y gobiernos.América Latina, estratégia de não mercados, relações entre empresas e governos

Álvarez, V. (2003). De las sociedades de negocios al “Sindicato Antioqueño” un camino centenario, en C. Dávila L. de Guevara (comp.). Empresas y empresarios colombianos siglos XIX – XX (pp. 213-246). Bogotá: Norma.
Anastasiadis, S. (2014). Toward a view of citizenship and lobbying: Corporate engagement in the political process. Business y Society, 53 (2), 260-299.
Arévalo, D. y O. Rodríguez. (2001). Gremios, reformas tributarias y administración de impuestos en Colombia. Bogotá: Universidad Externado de Colombia.
Bandeira de Mello, R.; R. Marcon, and A. Alberton. (2008). Drivers of discretionary firm donations in Brazil. Brazilian Administration Review, 5 (4), 275-288.
Bandeira de Mello, R., and R. Marcon. (2005). Unpacking firm effects: Modeling political alliances in variance decomposition of firm performance in turbulent environments. Brazilian Administration Review, 2 (1), 21-37.
Baron, D. (2010). Business and its environment. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Baron, D. (1995). The nonmarket strategy system. Sloan Management Review, 37 (1), 73-85.
Baysinger, B. (1984). Domain maintenance as an objective of business political activity: An expanded typology. The Academy of Management Journal, 9 (2), 248-258.
Bejarano, J. (1985). Economía y poder: la SAC y el desarrollo agropecuario colombiano 1871-1984. Bogotá: Fondo Editorial CEREC.
Boddewyn, J. (2007). The internationalization of the public-affairs function in U.S. multinational enterprises. Business and Society, 46 (2), 136-173.
Boddewyn, J., and T. Brewer. (1994). International business political behavior: New theoretical directions. Academy of Management Review, 19 (1), 119-143.
Bonardi, J. (2004). Global and political strategies in deregulated industries: The asymmetric behaviors of former monopolies. Strategic Management Journal, 25, 101-120.
Bonardi, J.; A. Hillman, and G. Keim. (2005). The attractiveness of political markets: Implications for firm strategy. Academy of Management Review, 30 (2), 397-413.
Bonardi, J.; G. Holburn, and R. Vanden Bergh. (2006). Nonmarket strategy performance: Evidence from U.S. electric utilities. Academy of Management Journal, 49 (6), 1209-1228.
Bonardi, J., and G. Keim. (2005). Corporate political strategies for widely salient issues. Academy of Management Review, 30 (3), 555-576.
Boubakri, N.; S. Mansi, and W. Saffar. (2013). Political institutions, connectedness, and corporate risk-taking. Journal of International Business Studies, 44 (3), 195-215.
Brockman, P.; O. Rui, and H. Zou. (2013). Institutions and the performance of politically connected MyA. Journal of International Business Studies, 44 (8), 833-852.
Buchanan, J., and G. Tullock. (1962). The calculus of consent. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan.
Cerutti, M. (2004). Los estudios en América Latina. ¿El debate interminable? En Las regiones y la historia empresarial (pp. 11-25). Medellín: Universidad Eafit.
Chizema, A.; X. Liu, J. Lu, and L. Gao. (2015). Politically connected boards and top executive pay in chinese listed firms. Strategic Management Journal, 36 (6), 890-906.
Clark, C. E., and E. Perrault. (2012). Influencing climate change policy: The effect of shareholder pressure and firm environmental performance. Business and Society, 51 (1), 148-175.
Cook, R., and D. Fox. (2000). Resources, frequency and methods: an analysis of small and medium-sized firms’ public policy activities. Business and Society, 39, 94-113.
Costa, M.; R. Bandeira de Mello, e R. Marcon. (2013). Influência da conexão política na diversificação dos grupos empresariais brasileiros. Revista de Administração de Empresas, 53 (4), 376-387.
Cuervo, A. (2008). The multinationalization of developing country MNEs: The case of multilatinas. Journal of International Management, 14 (2), 138-154. doi:
Diestre, L., and N. Rajagopalan. (2011). An environmental perspective on diversification: The effects of chemical relatedness and regulatory sanctions. Academy of Management Journal, 54 (1), 97-115.
Diniz, E. (2003). Empresariado, Estado y políticas públicas en Brasil. América Latina Hoy, 33, 125-156.
Donaldson, T. (1999). Making stakeholder theory whole. Academy of Management Review, 24 (2), 237-241.
Dossi, M. y L. Lissin. (2011). La acción empresarial organizada: propuesta de abordaje para el estudio del empresariado. Revista Mexicana de Sociología, 72 (3), 415-449.
Epstein, E. (1969). The Corporation in American Politics. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.
Feinberg, S., and A. Gupta. (2009). MNC subsidiaries and country risk: Internationalization as a safeguard against weak external institutions. Academy of Management Journal, 52 (2), 381-390.
Frankel, C., and E. Hojbjerg. (2012). The political standardizer. Business and Society, 51 (4), 602-625.
Frynas, J.; K. Mellahi, and G. Pigman. (2006). First movers advantage in international business and firm-specific political resources. Strategic Management Journal, 27, 321-345.
Gardberg, N., and C. Fombrun. (2006). Corporate citizenship: Creating intangible assets across institutional environments. Academy of Management Review, 31 (2), 329-346.
Garrido, C. y W. Peres. (1998). Las grandes empresas y grupos industriales latinoamericanos en los años noventa. En W. Peres (ed.). Grandes empresas y grupos industriales latinoamericanos. México DF: Siglo XXI.
Getz, K. (1997). Research in corporate political action. Business and Society, 36 (1), 32-72.
Giacalone, R. (1997). Asociaciones empresariales, integración y Estado. Colombia y Venezuela. Nueva Sociedad, 151, 155-167.
Grier, K.; M. Munger, and B. Roberts. (1994). The determinants of industry political activity, 1978-1986. The American Political Science Review, 88 (4), 911-926.
Griffin, J., and P. Dunn. (2004). Corporate public affairs: Commitment, resources, and structure. Business and Society, 43 (2), 196-220.
Hadani, M., and S. Coombes. (2015). Complementary relationships between corporate philanthropy and corporate political activity: an exploratory study of political marketplace contingencies. Business and Society, 54 (6), 859-881.
Hadani, M., and D. Schuler. (2013). In search of El Dorado: The elusive financial returns on corporate political investments. Strategic Management Journal, 34 (2), 165-181.
Hadani, M. (2007). Family matters: Founding family firms and corporate political activity. Business and Society, 46 (4), 395-428.
Hansen, W., and N. Mitchell. (2000). Disaggregating and explaining corporate political activity: Domestic and foreign corporations in national politics. The American Political Science Review, 94 (4), 891-903.
Henisz, W., and B. Zelner. (2005). Legitimacy, interest group pressures, and change in emergent institutions: The case of foreign investors and host country govenments. Academy of Mananagement Review, 30 (2), 361-382.
Hillman, A. (2005). Politicians on the board of directors: Do connections affect the bottom line? Journal of Management, 31 (3), 464-481.
Hillman, A. (2003). Determinants of political strategies in U.S. multinational. Business and Society, 42 (4), 455-484.
Hillman, A., and M. Hitt. (1999). Corporate political strategy formulation: A model of approach, participation, and strategy decisions. The Academy of Management Journal, 24 (4), 825-842.
Hillman, A., and G. Keim. (1995). International variation in the business-government interface: Institutional and organizational considerations. Academy of Management Review, 20 (1), 193-214.
Hillman, A.; G. Keim, and D. Schuler. (2004). Corporate political activity: A review and research agenda. Journal of Management, 30 (6), 837-857.
Hillman, A., and W. Wan. (2005). The determinants of MNE subsidiaries’ political strategies: Evidence of institutional duality. Journal of International Business Studies, 36, 322-340.
Holburn, G., and R. Vanden Bergh. (2014). Integrated market and nonmarket strategies: Political campaign contributions around merger and acquisition events in the energy sector. Strategic Management Journal, 35 (3), 450-460.
Holburn, G., and R. Vanden Bergh. (2008). Making friends in hostile environments: politicas strategy in regulated industries. Academy of Mananagement Journal, 33 (2), 521-540.
Holburn, G., and B. Zelner. (2010). Political capabilities, political risk, and international investment strategy: Evidence from the global electric power generation industry. Strategic Management Journal, 31 (12), 1257-1370.
Hutzschenreuter, T., and I. Kleindienst. (2006). Strategy-process research: What have we learned and what is still to be explored. Journal of Management, 32 (5), 673-720.
Jia, N. (2014). Are collective political actions and private political actions substitutes or complements? Empirical evidence from China’s private sector. Strategic Management Journal, 35 (2), 292-315.
Jiménez, A. (2002). Stakeholders. Una forma innovadora de gobernabilidad de empresa. Bogotá: Uniandes.
Keim, G., and B. Baysinger. (1988). The efficacy of business political activity: Competitive considerations in a principal - agent context. Journal of Management, 14 (2), 163-180.
Keim, G., and C. Zeithaml. (1986). Corporate political strategy and legislative decision making: A review and contingency approach. Academy of Management Review, 11 (4), 828-843.
Kennedy, S. (2007). Transnational political alliances: An exploration with evidence from China. Business and Society, 46, 174-200.
Kolk, A., and J. Pinkse. (2007). Multinationals’ political activities on climate change. Business and Society, 46 (2), 201-228.
Lamberg, J.; M. Skippari, J. Eloranta, and S. Makinen. (2004). The evaluation of corporate political action: A framework for processual analysis. Business and Society, 43 (4), 335-365.
Lawton, Th.; S. McGuire, and T. Rajwani. (2013). Corporate Political Activity: A literature review and research agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews, 15 (1), 86-105.
Lenway, S., and K. Rehbein. (1991). Leaders, followers, and free riders: An empirical test of variation in corporate political involvement. The Academy of Management Journal, 34 (4), 893-905.
Lester, R.; A. Hillman, A. Zardkoohi, and A. Cannella Jr. (2008). Former government officials as outside directors: The role of human and social capital. Academy of Mananagement Journal, 51 (5), 999-1013.
Li, H., and Y. Zhang. (2007). The role of managers’ political networking and functional experience in new venture performance: Evidence from China’s transitional economy. Strategic Management Journal, 28, 791-804.
Li, H., and X. Liang. (2015). A Confucian social model of political appointments among Chinese private-firm entrepreneurs. Academy of Management Journal, 58 (2), 592-617.
Lord, M. (2000a). Constituency-based lobbying as corporate political strategy: Testing an agency theory perspective. Business and Politics, 2, 289-308.
Lord, M. (2000b). Corporate political strategy and legislative decision making. Business and Society, 39 (1), 76-93.
Luo, Y., and H. Zhao. (2013). Doing business in a transitional society: Economic environment and relational political strategy for multinationals. Business y Society, 52 (3), 515-549.
Mantere, Z.; K. Pajunen, and J. Lamberg. (2007). Vices and virtues of corporate political activity: The challenge of international business. Business and Society, 48 (1), 105-132.
Macher, J., and J. Mayo. (2015). Influencing public policy making: firm-, industry-, and country-level determinants. Strategic Management Journal, 36 (13), 2021-2038.
Meznar, M., and J. Johnson. (2005). Business - government relations within a contingency theory framework: Strategy, structure, fit, and performance. Business and Society, 44 (2), 119-143.
Mitchel, R.; B. Agle, and D. Wood. (1997). Toward a theory of stakeholder identification and salience: Defining the principle of who and what really counts. Academy of Management Review, 22 (4), 853-886.
Nag, R.; D. Hambrick, and M. Chen. (2007). What is strategic management, really? Inductive derivation of a consensus definition of the field. Strategic Management Journal, 28 (9), 935-955.
Olson, M. (1965). The logic of colective action: Public goods and the theory of groups. Cambridge: Harvard University.
Ozer, M., and E. Alakent. (2013). The influence of ownership structure on how firms make corporate political strategy choices. Business y Society, 52 (3), 451-472.
Parker, G.; S. Parker, and M. Dabros. (2013). The labor market for politicians: Why ex-legislators gravitate to lobbying. Business y Society, 52 (3), 427-450.
Porter, M. y M. Kramer. (2006). Estrategia y sociedad. Harvard Business Review América Latina, diciembre, 3-15.
Ramírez, C., and C. Eigen-Zucchi. (2001). Understanding the Clayton Act of 1914: An analysis of the interest group hypothesis. Public Choice, 106, 157-181.
Rehbein, K., and D. Schuler. (1995). The firm as a filter: A conceptual framework for corporate political strategies. Academy of Management Journal Best Paper Proceedings, 406-410.
Rettberg, A. (2001a). The dilemmas of business representation: The uneasy relationship of economic groups (EGs) and business associations in Colombia, 1994 - 1998. Paper presented at the Latin American Studies Association, Washington DC.
Rettberg, A. (2001b). The political preferences of diversified business groups: Lessons from Colombia, 1994-1998. Business and Politics, 3 (1), 47-63.
Robinson, J. (2005). A normal latinamerican country? A perspective on colombian development. Recuperado el 19 de septiembre de 2013 de hppt://
Rufín, C.; P. Parada, e E. Serra. (2008). O Paradoxo das estratégias multidomésticas num mundo global: Testemunho das estratégias de “nãomercado” nos países em desenvolvimento. Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios, 10 (26), 63-85.
Salamon, L., and J. Siegfried. (1977). Economic power and political influence: The impact of industry structure on public policy. The American Political Science Review, 71 (3), 1026-1043.
Sawant, R. (2012). Asset specificity and corporate political activity in regulated industries. Academy of Management Review, 37 (2), 194-210.
Schuler, D. (1996). Corporate political strategy and foreign competition: The case of the steel industry. The Academy of Management Journal, 39 (3), 720-737.
Schuler, D.; K. Schnietz, and S. Baggett. (2002). Determinants of foreign trade mission participation: An analysis of corporate political and trade activities. Business and Society, 41, 6-35.
Shaffer, B. (1995). Firm - level responses to government regulation: Theoretical and research approaches. Journal of Management, 21 (3), 495-514.
Shaffer, B., and A. Hillman. (2000). The development of business-government strategies by diversified firms. Strategic Management Journal, 21 (2), 175-190.
Skippari, M.; J. Eloranta, J. Lamberg, and P. Parvinen. (2005). Conceptual and theoretical underpinnings in the research of corporte political activity: A bibliometric analysis. The Finnish Journal of Business Economics, 54 (2), 185-208.
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Como Citar
Londono-Correa, D., & Garzón, C. (2016). Atividade Política Corporativa: balanço e tópicos de pesquisa nos contextos latino-americanos. Cuadernos De Administración, 29(52), 229–260.