Published Dec 1, 2014


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Oriana García Osorio

Juan Quintero Quintero

Jose Arias-Pérez



The aim of the paper is to analyze the impact of innovation capabilities (ICs) on innovation performance (IP), and the latter on organizational performance (OP). ICs are approached from the perspective of innovation in services, IP from the launch of products and OP is divided into financial and nonfinancial. In methodology, we use structural equation modeling. The results show that only customer and marketing focused ICs influence IP and this in turn makes on OP, although a higher proportion of the non-financial. Although, to a greater extent on non-financial. In conclusion, these findings are in contrast to studies in manufacturing companies, which are most important technological ICs.


firm results, innovation management, service innovationresultados empresariales, gestión de innovación, innovación en serviciosresultados empresariais, gestão de inovação, inovação em serviços

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How to Cite
García Osorio, O., Quintero Quintero, J., & Arias-Pérez, J. (2014). Innovation capabilities, innovation and firm performance in service companies. Cuadernos De Administración, 27(49), 86–108.