Publicado ene 10, 2019


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Pauline Fatien Diochon

Robert Garvey

David Gray



The above quotation taps into something within the human condition that is potentially
at least, very powerful. We, human beings, have aspirations; flying might be just one of
them! But the central point here is that “the majority of people” often comply or silence
their aspirations. In some contexts around the world, silence and compliance could be
seen as the “rational” choice. However, even within great oppressive regimes, the human
spirit may shine through, and empowerment can potentially emerge.
Our complex and dangerous times set the context for both tragedy and hope. Against this
backdrop, this special issue of Cuadernos de Administracion explores the ways in which
leadership spirit can develop. To be more specific, we delve into this tension between
tragedy and hope through the four following main themes:
• The spaces for learning
• Crossing boundaries for learning
• Timing in learning
• Power dynamics in learning spaces


leadership, learning design, empowerment, forms of developmentliderazgo, diseño de aprendizaje, empoderamiento, formas de desarrollo

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Cómo citar
Fatien Diochon, P., Garvey, R., & Gray, D. (2019). The times and spaces of leadership development: (un)designing learning. Cuadernos De Administración, 31(57), 5–17.