Published Jun 20, 2012


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Santiago Ospina Pinzón

Irene Gil Saura



In the last few decades, many researchers in the field of marketing studying consumer behavior have concluded that satisfaction is one of the best indicators for future corporate profits. Since the nineties, national satisfaction indices have been developed as a macro

evaluation tool, from the costumer’s point of view, in order to complement traditional objective measures of economic performance. This paper presents a review of the most relevant national satisfaction indices in both practical and academic environments, identifying the variables that configure the models developed in each proposal. The conclusions highlight the importance and relevance of the national satisfaction indices development. Likewise, suggestions that could contribute to obtain better results in future versions are proposed.


quality, loyalty, perceived value, image, national satisfaction indexqualidade, lealdade, valor percebido, imagem, índice de satisfação nacionalcalidad, lealtad, valor percibido, imagen, índice de satisfacción nacional

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How to Cite
Ospina Pinzón, S., & Gil Saura, I. (2012). National indez of consumer satisfaction. A proposal for a review of literature. Cuadernos De Administración, 24(43).

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