Published Dec 1, 2009

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Daniel Enrique González Gómez



In recent years, the reduction in the number of engineering first semester students has raised concerns in the main universities of the metropolitan area of Cali. Through a micro-economical approach, the current work analyzes the most influential factors affecting the decision to study an engineering career. For such purpose, we used a sample of 1,025 first semester students registered at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana of Cali during the 2006-1, 2006-2 and 2007-1 periods. The information was analyzed through a logit multinomial model. The results indicate that good experiences in mathematics and an outstanding academic performance self-concept regarding that area increase the odds of opting for engineering studies. Likewise, engineering students are more likely to be men who have not previously registered for any other career, and whose parents suggested the decision.


discrete regression and qualitative choice models, decision making criteria, analysis of educationregresión discreta y modelos de elección cualitativa, criterios para tomar decisiones, análisis de la educaciónregressão discreta e modelos de escolha qualitativa, critérios para tomar decisões, analise da educação

How to Cite
González Gómez, D. E. (2009). Individual factors affecting the demand for engineering higher education: the case of Pontificia Universidad Javeriana of Cali. Cuadernos De Administración, 22(39). Retrieved from