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Compilación "Reforma a la salud" en Colombia
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Vol. 14 No. 28 (2015)
¿Cuál es el propósito de nuestro sistema de salud?
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Contextual Elements Involved in the Development of Sexual and Reproductive Health Public Policies Made Between 2003 and 2013
Fainory Andrea Rodríguez-Vargas, Diana Patricia Molina-Berrio
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Analysis of Health Promotion Publications: A Look at Tendencies Related with Disease Prevention
Silvia Paulina Díaz-Mosquera, Luz Natalia Rodríguez-Villamil, Alejandra Milena Valencia-González
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Quantitative Management of Financial Risk in Supplying a Health Plan
Carlos Alberto Castro-Iragorri
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Análise do impacto da mortalidade por homicídio segundo o Indicador de Necessidades Básicas Não Satisfeitas na Colômbia, 2000-2011
Claudio Alberto Dávila-Cervantes, Ana Melisa Pardo-Montaño
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Variability Control in the Scheduling of Elective Patients in Operating Rooms
Laura P. Díaz-López, Leide Fuquen-Fraile, David Barrera, Eliana M. González-Neira, Luis G. García-Herreros, Daniel R. Suárez
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Quality of Life and Reintegration to Work in Patients with Moderate and Severe Trauma due to Traffic Accidents in Medellin (Colombia)
Luz Helena Lugo-Agudelo, Fabio Salinas-Durán, Blanca Cecilia Cano-Restrepo, Diana Cortés-García, Gilma Hernández-Herrera, Héctor Iván García-García
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Research in Mid and High Complexity Healthcare Facilities in the Aburra Valley, 2011
Gladys Irene Arboleda-Posada, Jairo León Cardona-Jiménez
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Implementation of phc in a Marginal Urban Area of Cali: An Experience of Local Alliances to Face Social Determinants
Jorge Holguín-Ruiz, Juan Carlos Aristizábal-Grisales, Edwin Murillo-Hurtado, Naydú Acosta-Ramírez
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Youth and University: Subjects and Scenarios for Critical and Self-Reflective Debate on the Use of Legal and Illegal Psychoactive Drugs
Eliana Andrea Calderón-Romero, Nelly Esther Cáliz-Romero
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Scope of the Actions to Prevent Overweight and Obesity in Teenagers. The Mexican Public Schools Case
Pilar Ester Arroyo-López, Lorena Carrete-Lucero
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Relationship between Socioeconomic Determinants, Health Coverage, and Dental Caries in Twenty Countries
Cindy Marleyi Sanabria-Castellanos, Moisés Alberto Suárez-Robles, John Harold Estrada-Montoya
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Cost-Utility Analysis of the Use of Detemir in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
Martín Emilio Romero-Prada, Lina María Huérfano-Rey, Mary Luz Páez, Germán Acero-Acero, Pamela Andrea Alfonso-Quiñones
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