Published Apr 15, 2010

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Alejandro Vigil Iduate



The Havanan XIX century is the scenario of the judicial process of the organized
activity of the insurance in Cuba, period that begins with a created company
almost when concluding the previous century, the one that will go transforming
gradually, until becoming one of the most prosperous Cuban mercantile companies.
One century where the insurance companies act to the unison like banks,
duality that disappears almost when concluding the century. At the beginning
only they were offered sure marine and gradually you began to offer sure of
diverse goods and life insurance.

It culminates the period with the entrance to the market on the part of foreign,
fundamentally English and North American companies, a scarce law regulation
and an absent paper regulator and controller of the State, what facilitates the
enormous take off happened to beginnings of the XX century.

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