Published Nov 30, 2015


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Jorge Eduardo Narváez Bonnet



This article corresponds to the presentation made by the author at the XXVIII Congress of the Colombian Association of Insurance Law -ACOLDESE- held in the city of Medellin in October 2015.

Major developments in global banking policies in the last decades are analyzed; while policies used in the Colombian market, come from the UK, which have remained unchanged, the American form No. 24 which served as basis of the different english wordings, has been modified through various adjustments and alterations, particularly in relation with infidelity of employees clause.

The analysis also includes various topics, such as: the configuration of discovery according to the parameters adopted by the american courts; the alleged abusiveness of infidelity clauses and limitation of discovery clauses and the extent for the duty to mitigate damages.

Finally, the author makes a brief account of the most recent developments in on banking professional indemnity coverages, computer systems fraud coverages and the products called “cyber risks” and “cyber liability”.


estandarización, intención manifiesta, activo y consciente propósito de causar la pérdida al asegurado, dolo eventual, descubrimiento de pérdidas, cláusula de infidelidad, cláusula de limitación de descubrimiento, responsabilidad en operaciones bancariasStandardization, manifest intent, active and conscious intent to cause loss to the insured, gross negligence and dol, discovery of losses, infidelity of employees clause, discovery limitation clause, liability arising from banking operations

How to Cite
Narváez Bonnet, J. E. (2015). El contrato de seguro y los contratos de la actividad financiera: Coberturas y tendencias del seguro global bancario. Revista Ibero-Latinoamericana De Seguros, 24(43).
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