Published Mar 1, 2018


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María José Pérez-Fructuoso


The rapid aging of the population is affecting all developed countries, although in Spain it started 10 years later than in the rest of Europe. This aging is mainly due to the fact that the number of births does not not guarantee the generational replacement, which results in a reduction of the population in the medium term, while at the same time life expectancy is higher. From an economic point of view, this implies that pensions expenditure will have to increase, since the population aged 65 and over will rise and will also live for more years. This article analyzes the demographic factors that affect the aging situation of the Spanish population over the last 41 years.

Ageing, natality, mortality, fertility, migrationEnvejecimiento, natalidad, mortalidad, fecundidad, migración

How to Cite
Pérez-Fructuoso, M. J. (2018). Statistical analysis of aging in spain. Main demographic indicators for the period 1975-2016. Revista Ibero-Latinoamericana De Seguros, 26(47).
Sección Técnico-económica

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