Published Jun 8, 2020


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María Fabiana Compiani



The article reviews the impact of the coronavirus pandemic that it has had on the various risks covered by the insurance contract in Argentina. For this, a semblance is made of both the measures taken by the public authority and the state of affairs of the insurance sector in the country. Likewise, a brief synthesis of the remedies provided in the special law and in the general legislation is made.


Pandemic, Preventive and compulsory isolation, Insurance contract, Covered risks, Aggravation and decrease of risk, Cousin, Act of GodPandemia, Aislamiento preventivo y obligatorio, Contrato de seguro, Riesgos cubiertos, Agravación y disminución del riesgo, Prima, Caso fortuito

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How to Cite
Compiani, M. F. (2020). The Impact of the Pandemic on Insurance. Outlook in Argentina. Revista Ibero-Latinoamericana De Seguros, 29(52).
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