Published Aug 12, 2011

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Juan Carlos Díaz Álvarez

Clara Inés Sánchez Infante

José Éver Ramírez Calderón

Edgar Cartagena Torres

Judith Molano Polanía

Sandra Méndez Fajardo

Jaime Andrés Lara Borrero



This article recognize the socio-demographic and epidemiological profile of the population located in the Village of leticia, Agua de Dios, and o the sidewalks and La Salada y Pubenza, municipality of Tocaima, exposed to contamination by toxic heavy metals from the river Bogotá, which is part of the results of the first phase of Implementation of Health promotional Strategises that contribute to the Generation of Healthy Lifestyles in the Population Located in the Alluvial Plain of the River Low Bogotá Exposed to Contamination by Mercury, Lead, and Cadmium, organized in four stages of development and planned for implementation between 2007 and 2010, whose aim is to provede a biological measurement of the bioaccumulation of three toxic heavy metals (Hg, Pb, Cd) in human blood and crawl soil, water and food consumption, as a consequence of exposure of the region and the habitat, proximity and use of this river. An instrument was applied to 702 inhabitants containing varying social, demographic and epidemiological, of which 210 are located in the village of leticia, 160 in the village Pubenza and 332 in La Salada. Habits were identified related to the management of river waters from Bogota, which are used for irrigation of crops, animals and consumption of laundry. The main diseases reported in the last year related viral deseases, influenza, dengue and diarrhea.

How to Cite
Díaz Álvarez, J. C., Sánchez Infante, C. I., Ramírez Calderón, J. Éver, Cartagena Torres, E., Molano Polanía, J., Méndez Fajardo, S., & Lara Borrero, J. A. (2011). Implementation of health promotional strategies that contribute to the generation of healthy lifestyles in the population located in the alluvial plain of the river low Bogotá exposed to contamination by mercury, lead and cadmium. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 11(1), 7–31. Retrieved from
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