Published Aug 4, 2011

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Edilma Marlen Suárez Castro



The policy of health in the context of the social policy of both development models that have had the country (cepalino and neoliberal), they have not responded to the situation of health of the population. It has been iniquitativa, it has perpetuated the exclusion of marginalized sectors (population ethnic farmer, and poor population), deeply biomedical, ti has been characterized not to allow the universal access of the population to the services and health programs and it has not favored the participation of the population. But, it has allowed the benefit of the deprived sector, in consequence the results in social matter are unfavorable and evident the failure of the rules of the market in the fight against the poverty.

How to Cite
Suárez Castro, E. M. (2011). Policies of Colombian health in the development models. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 5(1), 28–39. Retrieved from
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