Published Dec 14, 2018


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Lucy Marcela Vesga Gualdrón

Carmen Helena Ruiz de Cárdenas



Introduction: The human care provided by the nurses is a determining factor in the promotion of the adherence to the prenatal control, which is necessary to improve the maternal-perinatal health. Objective: To describe the perception of pregnant women about the technical and cognitive competences and capability of the nursing professionals to provide a humanized health care during the prenatal services. Method: This work has a cross-sectional descriptive design using a sample of 150 pregnant women. They were recruited sequentially and based on some convenience factors, from four different health care centers belonging to a main hospital in Bogotá, Colombia. They were recruited between June and August 2013. In this process the professional health-care scale based on the theory Care for the Other’s Well-being was used, which allows to identify the technical and human care skills. Results: The professional health care was assessed as excellent. There are however some elements of the human care that should be highlighted: the ability to allow the expression of feelings; the listening and attention without reproaching or criticizing particular conditions in the women. These elements are valued positively and can modify their perception about the professional’s cognitive competence. Conclusions: These attributes of the human care can be determining factors for the adherence to the prenatal control; therefore, the public health professional should recognize their importance.


prenatal health care, nursing care, obstetric nursing, patient’s satisfactionAtención prenatal, Atención de Enfermería, Enfermería Obstétrica, Satisfacción del Pacienteatendimento pré-natal, atendimento de enfermagem, enfermagem obstétrica, satisfação do paciente

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How to Cite
Vesga Gualdrón, L. M., & Ruiz de Cárdenas, C. H. (2018). Perception of the Pregnant Women about the Nursing Care in the Prenatal Services. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 21(1).
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