Published Mar 16, 2011


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Juan Bernardo Quintero, PhD

Jhon Freddy Duitama-Muñoz, PhD



Reusing models is one of the most widely accepted strategies among recent methodological approaches to software development. It is so much so that these approaches have extensively included various models with the suggestion that, in order to develop a software application, it is just necessary to build models and to transform them semi-automatically with the support of an information system. However, there are still considerable challenges in the adoption of modelfocused approaches, such as a variety of techniques, languages, and tolos available for model transformation. This variety of resources complicates the standard selection of strategies for transforming models which are appropriate for a particular project or company. This paper analyzes the different model engineering approaches, as well as previous studies in model transformation, in order to serve as a guide in the selection process of model-focused approaches for software development.


Application software – development, model-driven software architecture, software engineeringDesarrollo de software de aplicación, arquitectura dirigida por modelos, ingeniería de software

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How to Cite
Quintero, J. B., & Duitama-Muñoz, J. F. (2011). Reflections on the adoption of model-based approaches for software-development. Ingenieria Y Universidad, 15(1), 219–243.