Published Mar 16, 2011


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Andrés Arrieta-Burgos, BSc

Francisco Cadavid-Sierra, PhD

Andrés Amell-Arrieta, MSc



Simulations of combustion furnaces equipped with radiant burners are usually done assuming the presence of fully developed burning gases in the burners’ outlet. This assumption minimizes the computational cost of simulating hundreds of burners. However, it involves simulating a furnace where the development of combustion reactions is not taken into account, and the interaction of the geometry of the burners with the flow and temperature profiles inside the firebox is not considered. This work seeks to support the above simplification by comparing its impact to a methodology that gets closer to the actual operation of a furnace with hundreds of burners and makes it posible to model the combustion process. Results show that the simulations differ in wall temperatures, the power that reaches the load and the efficiency of firebox in: 1 K, 0.07 MW, and 0.3%.


Furnaces-simulation methods, heattransmission, mathematical modelsHornos-métodos de simulación, transmisión del calor, modelos matemáticos

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How to Cite
Arrieta-Burgos, A., Cadavid-Sierra, F., & Amell-Arrieta, A. (2011). Numerical simulation of combustion furnaces equipped with radiant wall burners. Ingeniería Y Universidad, 15(1), 9–28.