Published Apr 29, 2011


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Wilson Adarme-Jaimes, MSc

Martín Darío Arango-Serna, PhD

Juan Miguel Cogollo-Flórez, BSc



This article demonstrates the application of fuzzy logic in measuring the performance of the supply chain at a shipyard in Colombia. We designed a model that incorporated the Balanced Scorecard principles and the theory of fuzzy sets for the treatment of uncertainty associated to the management of the supply chain under study. The application of the model allowed obtaining specific numerical results regarding the overall performance of the chain and of each considered perspective (customers, finance, and learning and growth processes) by incorporating the imprecision and vagueness of said calculations.


Work measurement, fuzzy logic personnel management, performance technology, management indicatorsMedición del trabajo, lógica difusa, gestión de recursos humanos, rendimiento tecnológico, indicadores de gestión

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How to Cite
Adarme-Jaimes, W., Arango-Serna, M. D., & Cogollo-Flórez, J. M. (2011). Performance measurement of supply chains in inaccurate environments using fuzzy {ogic. Ingeniería Y Universidad, 16(1), 95.

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