Published Mar 16, 2012


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Octavio Jose Salcedo Parra, MSc

Lilia Castellanos-Jaimes, BSc

José Jairo Camacho-Vargas, BSc



Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) has become an important VoIP signaling protocol for its advantages in making Internet-based multimedia calls. The flexibility of the SIP protocol is due to its capacity to extend methods and attributes. In present, Ip VoIP voice service providers are non-open systems. This is why the Spam Over Internet Telephony (SPIT) does not currently pose any problem. Hence, SIP Identity is a solution for handling identities within SIP. In order to develop SIP software packages, JAIN SIP API, one of the most robust API’s for Java-based SIP is used, thanks to advantages such as platform Independence and mobility.


Session Initiation Protocol (Computer network protocol), computer network protocols, internet telephonySIP (protocolo de redes de computadores), protocolos de redes de computadores, telefonía por internet

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How to Cite
Salcedo Parra, O. J., Castellanos-Jaimes, L., & Camacho-Vargas, J. J. (2012). Implementing an Anti-SPIT Mechanism based on SIP Identity. Ingeniería Y Universidad, 15(2).