Published Dec 4, 2020


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Mario Alberto Olmos-Márquez, PhD

Jesús Manuel Ochoa-Rivero, MSc

María Teresa Alarcón-Herrera, PhD

Eduardo Santellano-Estrada, PhD

José Humberto Vega-Mares, PhD

María Cecilia Valles-Alarcón, PhD



The objective of this study was to implement a pilot system of treatment wetlands, using phytoremediation as an alternative technology to remove arsenic from the concentrate of a reverse osmosis system. The pilot system was composed of two subsurface flow constructed wetlands, planted with Eleocharis macrostachya and Shoenoplectus americanus. The wetlands were fed concentrate from a reverse osmosis system for seven months, with an average flow of 962 Ld-1 and an average arsenic concentration of 0.241 mgL-1. Removal rates between 43 % and 86 % were obtained for wetland 1 and between 35 % and 79 % for wetland 2 throughout the experiment. The two plant species developed normally despite the high levels of electrical conductivity in the range of 3584 to 5455 µscm-1 in wetland intake waters. The pilot wetland system removed significant levels of arsenic from the reverse osmosis concentrate, resulting in arsenic levels in the output waters that meet Mexican standard for using water in agricultural irrigation.


arsénico, osmosis inversa, concentrado, humedales de tratamientoArsenic, reverse osmosis, concentrate, treatment wetlands

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How to Cite
Olmos-Márquez, M. A., Ochoa-Rivero, J. M., Alarcón-Herrera, M. T., Santellano-Estrada, E., Vega-Mares, J. H., & Valles-Aragón, M. C. (2020). Performance of a Pilot Subsurface Flow Treatment Wetland System, Used for Arsenic Removal from Reverse Osmosis Concentrate, in the Municipality of Julimes, Chihuahua, Mexico. Ingenieria Y Universidad, 24.
Special Section: Wetland Systems