Published Nov 2, 2021


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Diego Mendez-Chaves, PhD

Manuel Perez, PhD

Alejandro Farfan, MSc

Eduardo Gerlein, PhD



In order to properly monitor the health status of the hydrological resources of a region, in terms of water contamination, a scalable and low-cost system is necessary to map the water quality at different locations and allow the prioritization of more sophisticated and expensive monitoring campaigns on those areas where a suspicious behavior seems to be occurring. This paper presents the design and implementation process of such an IoT-based solution for low-cost and scalable water quality monitoring applications. To achieve that end, we propose the utilization of a low-cost inter-digital capacitance (IDC) sensor to characterize the conductivity of the water, a very telling parameter about the level of pollution in the water. Additionally, an embedded method to measure such sensor was designed and implemented, which considers the requirements of a portable platform: low computational capabilities, small memory and low power consumption. Our results show that an IDC sensor is capable of detecting the changes of the capacitance of the sample, and therefore mapping the changes in the conductivity of the water. Additionally, integrating an embedded measuring method is a valid option for in-situ characterization of water samples and the complete solution enables a new paradigm for water quality monitoring in large scale scenarios.


Inter-digital capacitance, low-cost, water quality, pollutants, FFT, charging time, IoTsensor capacitivo interdigitado, bajo costo, calidad de agua, contaminantes, FFT, tiempo de carga, IoT

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How to Cite
Mendez-Chaves, D., Perez, M., Farfan, A., & Gerlein, E. (2021). IDC Sensor for Low-Cost Water Quality Monitoring Applications. Ingeniería Y Universidad, 26.
Electrical and computer engineering

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