Published Dec 20, 2024


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Andrés Mauricio Paredes Rodríguez

Diego León Peña Orozco

Juan José Rojas Reyes



Objective: The occurrence of different natural and/or anthropogenic disasters in different cities around the world have generated negative consequences on the economic conditions and food security of the population, which leads different relief agencies and local administrations to consolidate food aid distribution strategies seeking to reduce the suffering of people. This paper uses system dynamics as a tool to analyze the effectiveness of a humanitarian aid delivery prioritization model used by a city in the center of Valle del Cauca in the presence of a disaster. Materials and Methods: System dynamics model was constructed considering relationships between the different variables that make up the structure of distribution model of food kits in city under study in such a way that it can be used to make decisions that improve the food security of the population. Results and Discussion: Among the main results, the current distribution system fails to meet the expected demand for food kits, suggesting the creation of a donation and volunteer program to expand the capacity of care and improve the food security of the population. Conclusion: The methodology presented in research becomes a reference framework for the distribution of aid humanitarian for future disasters in a city


Humanitarian Logistics, Distribution, Disasters, System Dynamics

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How to Cite
Paredes Rodríguez, A. M., Peña Orozco, D. L., & Rojas Reyes, J. J. (2024). Dynamic analysis of a humanitarian aid delivery model in disaster situations. Ingeniería Y Universidad, 28.
Industrial and systems engineering