Published Oct 12, 2021


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Andrea Carolina Pabón-Beltrán

Felipe Sanabria-Martínez

Custodio Vásquez-Quintero, Msc

José José Barba-Ortega, PhD

Ely Dannier Valbuena-Niño, PhD



In this research, the concentration-depth profiles reached by titanium and nitrogen particles, on the surface of AISI/SAE 1020 carbon steel substrates, by using of ion implantation technique, are studied. The ions are surface deposited by means of high voltage pulsed discharges and electric arc discharge under high vacuum conditions. The concentration and position distribution of the metallic and non-metallic species are obtained by simulation of the interaction of ions with the matter, stopping and ranges of ions in the matter, by the computer program transport of ions in matter. The implantation dose is calculated from the discharge data and the previously established study parameters in this work. From the simulation results, the depth profiles demonstrated that titanium and nitrogen ions may reach up to 300 Å and 600 Å and concentrations of 1.478 x 1016 ions⁄cm2 and 2.127 x 1016 ions⁄cm2, respectively. The formation of titanium microdroplets upon the surface of the substrates is identified from the micrographs obtained by the scanning electron microscopy technique; furthermore, the presence of titanium and nitrogen implanted on the surface of the substrate is verified through the elemental composition analysis by the energy dispersive spectroscopy, validating the effect of ion implantation on ferrous alloys.


Carbon steel, water-supply rural, electric arc, ion implantation, surface modification, transport of ions in matteracero al carbón, dosis, arco eléctrico, implantación iónica, modificación superficial, transporte de iones en la materia

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How to Cite
Pabón-Beltrán, A. C., Sanabria-Martínez, F., Vásquez-Quintero, C., Barba-Ortega, J. J., & Valbuena-Niño, E. D. (2021). Study of Concentration-depth Profiles of the Titanium and Nitrogen Ions by SRIM/TRIM Simulation. Ingenieria Y Universidad, 25.
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