Published Dec 28, 2003

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Aura Lopez de Murillo, PhD

Julián Franklin

Lina Marcela Gutierrez

Gustavo Adolfo Rincón



In this paper we present the results of a descriptive study on service-related client satisfaction, carried out for a company which makes and sells precooked, frozen foods. Service is evaluated subjectively by consumers, in accordance wíth their previous experiences and expectations, making a comparison between the quality expected before the service is provided, and the quality perceived afterwards. The evaluation of tangible products is different because ít allows objective measurement with instruments, making , possible the comparison with world-wide recognized standards, or verífytng the compliance, or non-compliance with characteristics determined by means of the control of attributes. In this study we adapted and applied the Electre technique [Cifuentes, 1992] [Moreno, 1982] [Romero, 1996] [Malczewski, 1999] which introduces elements to make a more objectíve decision on the results of the comparison of alternatives. The alternatives compared were expected and perceived quality. This technique was used to analyze the criterio but not to compare alternatives; for this reasan the Electre graph was not used.


Service quality, quality expected, quality perceived, concordance limits, discord limitscalidad en servicios, calidad esperada, calidad percibida, límites de concordancia, límites de discordancia

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How to Cite
Lopez de Murillo, A., Franklin, J., Gutierrez, L. M. ., & Rincón, G. A. (2003). Estudio de satisfacción del cliente en una pyme del sector de alimentos de la ciudad de Cali. Ingenieria Y Universidad, 7(1), 9–18. Retrieved from