Published Aug 12, 2022


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Jorge Ivan Bula Escobar



Given the initiative that has been proposed to adopt an Emergency Basic Income, taking into account the impact that the Covid-19 pandemic has had on the most vulnerable sectors of the population, this work aims to take the reflection and discussion on Basic Income further from its contingency properties to an argumentation that transcends this framework to place it in a more comprehensive perspective such as the prism of a theory of justice and human rights. Starting from the claim and postulate of "human dignity" as a sine qua non condition of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and from the understanding of citizenship as the proper substrate of Modernity, the idea of ​​Basic Income would be in the basis of providing the material conditions (Raventós) for the exercise of citizenship and the effective enjoyment of human rights and freedom of people. It would be part of one of the three aspects established by T. H. Marshall, on the concept of citizenship, that of social citizenship which, in addition to legal citizenship and political citizenship, would enable people to fully exercise their citizenship rights. In that order of ideas, the Basic Income should be constituted as a Citizen Income, that is to say a Universal Basic Income (UBI) and, consequently, the option of thinking about establishing a Universal Basic Income and not simply Emergency should rather be considered.


theory of Justice, freedom, vulnerability, citizenship, human rights, citizen incomeTeoría de la Justicia, libertad, vulnerabilidad, ciudadanía, derechos humanos, ingreso ciudadano

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How to Cite
Bula Escobar, J. I. (2022). From the basic income as a contingency to the basic income as a right. Papel Político, 26.
Dossier Especial Renta Básica, editado por: Esteban Nina