Published Feb 3, 2023


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Wilson Valencia B.



Objective/Context: After the 2016 Peace Accords with the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) in Colombia, civil society began working towards the reintegration of former FARC combatants towards a peaceful coexistence. However, the success of these initiatives remains uncertain for a more inclusive society while reducing risks of rearmament and violence against citizens in a post-conflict environment. Methodology: This research identifies and evaluates aggregated statistics and survey data expressing concerns for and about former combatants, perspectives from Afro-Colombians, and interviews from former combatants that help determine the difficulties and opportunities in access to the labor market. Conclusion: The study finds that a large barrier to successful economic reintegration to the labor market is stigma. Despite these current initiatives, this article seeks to explore if and what barriers continue to exist for former combatants reintegrating into the labor market. Originality: This article provides recommendations that support local organizations doing business in Colombia and provides tailored best practices that ensure meaningful ways to incorporate ex-combatants into the labor market.


Armed Conflict, Stigma, Reintegration, Attitudes, Corporate Social Responsibility, Colombiaconflicto armado, estigmatización, reintegración, actitudes, responsabilidad social corporativa, Colombia

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How to Cite
Valencia B., W. (2023). Barriers to Entry: Understanding Labor Market Attitudes Towards Ex-Combatants and How the Private Sector Can Help. Papel Político, 27.
Political Science