Published Mar 15, 2017


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Julieta Barada



Heritage involves not only assessment, protection and conservation of certain built objects, but also an architectural practice, involved in particular interests and senses which are always dynamic. In this paper we will refer to the construction of a set of domestic architectures from the Argentinean Highlands which are part of complex transformation processes, mainly caused by the national state intervention in the area and its consequences on the livelihoods of pastoralist populations. Discussing the way in which these productions allows us to observe, in one hand, how local people has re-appropriated through its own dynamics (within mobility is central) many of the constructive logics and urban style imposed by the state. On the other hand, how these architectures, which are exempted from many of the techniques and typological features that have historically been valued for the area, can be also be comprised as heritage 


arquitectura doméstica, Puna argentina, patrimonio, transformación constructiva, Estado nacionaldomestic architecture, argentinian highlands, heritage, constructive transformations, nation statearquitetura doméstica, terras altas da Argentina, patrimônio, transformações construtivas, Estado nacional

How to Cite
Barada, J. (2017). Some rare houses. About other possible heritages in domestic architecture from argentinian highlands, Coranzulí, province of Jujuy. Apuntes: Revista De Estudios Sobre Patrimonio Cultural, 29(2).