Acceso del antiguo Teatro Metro Riviera, en la localidad de Chapinero en Bogotá, de los arquitectos García y Yamhure Cía. Estado actual : 2018. (Fuente: fotografía tomada por Alfredo Montaño Bello)

Published Jun 18, 2018


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Alfredo Montaño

José David Pinzón



Exhibiting is a fundamental part of the cinematographic production chain. From its beginnings it was the engine for the adaptation and later construction of spaces for the projection of images in movement that, throughout the XX century, consolidated some particular architectural typologies highlighted in the urban landscape that contributed to the modernization of the city of Bogotá. The article analyzes photographic and cartographic information in order to understand the relationships that were established between the development of these spaces and the growth of the city that resulted in diverse forms of implantation and location of the buildings in the traditional center, the new centralities and the periphery of the city.


architecture, cinema, citiesarquitectura, cine, ciudadarchitecture, cinema, ville

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How to Cite
Montaño, A., & Pinzón, J. D. (2018). Spaces for Bogota Cinema Exhibition : An Urban Analysys. Apuntes: Revista De Estudios Sobre Patrimonio Cultural, 31(1), 54–65.