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Lourdes Gómez Consuegra


The Urban Historic Center of Camagüey owns heritage values that made him worthy to be included in the World Heritage Listof unesco, in 2008, synthesized: “One of the first seven villages founded by spaniards in Cuba. Camagüey played a prominentrole as the urban centre of an island territory dedicated to cattle breeding and the sugar industry. Once settled in its currentlocation en 1528, the town developed on the basis on an irregular urban pattern that contains a system of squares, minorsquares, serpentine streets, alleys and irregular urban blocks, highly exceptional for latin americans colonial towns locatedin plain territories. The religious buildings, associated with the main squares, constitute a system of landmarks in the urbanfabric, characterized by its homogeneity…”.The work exposes as since 1998 applies in the Historic Center of the city of Camagüey, Cuba, through the creation of the “Officeof the Historian of the City”, the Cuban Model for the conservation of the Historic Centers, with a focus of sustainability, testedin Old Havana since 1993. Their results demonstrate the feasibility of the Model that has allowed, next to the heritage valuesthat holds, the declaration of World Heritage in 2008.

Herança, políticas urbanas, conservação de centros históricos, centros históricos sustentáveis, Patrimônio Mundial, Palavras chaves descritor, Camagüey, Cuba, Património Mundial, conservação e restauro de sítios históricos, areabilitação urbana.Heritage, Urban Policies, Conservation of Historical Centers, Sustainable Historical Centers, World Heritage, Key Words Plus, Camagüey, Cuba, World Heritage Areas, Conservation and Restoration of History Sites, Urban Renewal.Patrimonio, políticas urbanas, conservación de centros históricos, centros históricos sostenibles, patrimonio mundial. - Descriptores, Camagüey, Cuba, Patrimonio de la Humanidad, conservación y restauración de sitios históricos, rehabilitación urbana.

How to Cite
Gómez Consuegra, L. (2009). The Urban Historical Center of Camaguey, World-wide Heritage. Planning, management and handling. Apuntes: Revista De Estudios Sobre Patrimonio Cultural, 22(2). Retrieved from