The structuring value of heritage in the transformation of territory
This paper pretends to understand and discover the potential of the identity of a territory, and to set out the new challengesthat the concept of cultural landscape introduces in urbanism. A special interest is taken for reading and interpreting, atdifferent scales, the keys of recognition and construction, discovering the existence of patterns and laws of occupationthat transform the territory, and defining a formal logic of its own that resumes and represents its identity. The article isstructured in five parts. The first one brings up a hypothesis: The landscape and the territory are a reality in continuousevolution; therefore we must not try to avoid mutations, but make sure that, in the natural process of transformation,landscape and territory do not lose their heritage values. In the second part the article explains that the value given antiquityand the past, in fact is a modern invention, that has been evolving from the preservation of monumental piecesonly to a much wider view of heritage, that could be resumed with the concept of cultural landscape. Subsequently, theconcepts of cultural landscape and heritage park are explained, specifying their development tools and some of the lessonslearned from the case studies about heritage parks are described. In the end, the article reviews some initiativesin the Netherlands that show the capacity of cultural heritage to help develop evolution strategies for vast territories.
Cultural landscapes, Preservation, Economic development, Social participation, Regional planning, Key word plus, Parks Maintenance, Cultural heritage, History Sites, Conservation and Restoration Protected Areas.Paisajes culturales, conservación, desarrollo económico, participación social, ordenación territorial. - Descriptores, Mantenimiento de parques, paisaje cultural, conservación y restauración de sitios históricos, áreas protegidas.
How to Cite
Galindo González, J., & Sabaté Bel, J. (2009). The structuring value of heritage in the transformation of territory. Apuntes: Revista De Estudios Sobre Patrimonio Cultural, 22(1). Retrieved from