Publicado dic 15, 2022


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Carolina Botero-García

Irene Giovanni

Carolina Morales Arias



La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo caracterizar la investigación sobre supervisión en psicología clínica en los últimos 10 años. Lo anterior con el propósito de señalar rutas futuras sobre investigación y formación en supervisión. Se realizó una revisión de literatura en la que se consultaron bases académicas usando el buscador EBSCO-host. El periodo de indagación fue 2012-2021. La consulta empleó las palabras clave en inglés: “clinical supervision” (OR) “supervision”, (AND) “therapy” (OR) “psychotherapy”, (OR) “psychological intervention” (OR) “behavioral intervention”. La búsqueda arrojó 123 artículos que cumplían los criterios de inclusión. Los resultados se organizan en ocho categorías: modelos de supervisión, competencias/habilidades clínicas, relación entre las personas supervisora y supervisada, técnicas, instrumentos, variación de supervisión según enfoques, utilidad y evaluación. Se observó mayor frecuencia de investigación en las categorías de técnicas de supervisión, competencias/habilidades clínicas y de supervisión, la evaluación de la supervisión y la relación supervisor-supervisado. Se evidenció la escasez de investigaciones empíricas sobre los diferentes modelos y prácticas pedagógicas en la supervisión, porque la mayoría de los estudios se centran exclusivamente sobre la experiencia personal de supervisión.


supervision, clinical psychology, psychotherapy, therapy, clinical interventionsupervisión, psicología clínica, psicoterapia, supervisión clínica, terapia, intervención clínica

Alfonsson, S., Lundgren, T., & Andersson, G. (2020). Clinical supervision in cognitive behavior therapy improves therapists’ competence: A single-case experimental pilot study. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 49(5), 425-438.

Anderson, T., Crowley, M. J., Binder, J. L., Heckman, B. D., & Patterson, C. L. (2017). Does the supervisor’s teaching style influence the supervisee’s learning prescribed techniques? Psychotherapy Research, 27(5), 549-557.

Arczynski, A. V., & Morrow, S. L. (2017). The complexities of power in feminist multicultural psychotherapy supervision. Journal of Counselling Psychology, 64(2), 192-205.

Avila, A., Distelberg, B., Estrada, A., Samman, S., Borieux, M., Yektafar, G., & Moline, M. (2016). Developing Dyadic Evaluation for Supervision: An Exploratory Factor Analysis. Contemporary Family Therapy: An International Journal, 38(3), 284–294. https://doi-org/10.1007/s10591-016-9388-4

Avila, A., Distelberg, B., Estrada, A., Foster, L., Moline, M., & Huenergardt, D. (2018). Dyadic Supervision Evaluation: An Actor-Partner Relational Model. Journal of Marital y Family Therapy, 44(3), 470–482.

Avila, A., Distelberg, B., Estrada, A., Moline, M., & Huenergardt, D. (2018). Developmental Properties and Application of the Dyadic Supervision Evaluation. Contemporary Family Therapy: An International Journal, 40(2), 188–203.

Bager, S. (2019). “She was on my side, and grounded me when I needed it:” Research supervision in the field of therapy, based on counsellors’ and psychotherapists’ views on their engagement with research. Counselling & Psychotherapy Research, 19(4), 358-365.

Ballesteros de Valderrama, B. P., Muñoz-Martínez, A. M., Novoa-Gómez, M., Bazzani-Orrego, D., Brandwayn-Briceño, N. E., Lasso-Báez, R. A., Pachón-Basallo, M., & Restrepo-Vélez, D. (2019). Características de la supervisión clínica en las terapias conductuales: un análisis del proceso de supervisión clínica. Universitas Psychologica, 18(4), 1-14.

Banker, J. E., & Goldenson, D. (2021). Mindfulness practices in supervision: Training counselors’ experiences. Family Journal, 29(1), 17-23.

Bearman, S. K., Bailin, A., & Sale, R. (2020). Graduate school training in CBT supervision to develop knowledge and competencies. Clinical Supervisor, 39(1), 66-84.

Bell, T., Dixon, A., & Kolts, R. (2017). Developing a compassionate internal supervisor: Compassion-Focused Therapy for Trainee Therapists. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 24(3), 632-648.

Bender, S., & Dykeman, C. (2016). Supervisees’ perceptions of effective supervision: A comparison of fully synchronous cybersupervision to traditional methods. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 34(4), 326-337.

Bernard, J. M. (2006). Tracing the Development of Clinical Supervision. Supervision in Counseling: Interdisciplinary Issues and Research, 24(1-2), 3-21.

Bernard, J. M., & Goodyear, R. K. (2014). Fundamentals of clinical supervision (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Bhola, P., Raguram, A., Dugyala, M., & Ravishankar, A. (2017). Learning in the crucible of supervision: Experiences of trainee psychotherapists in India. Clinical Supervisor, 36(2), 182-202.

Blume-Marcovici, A. C., Stolberg, R. A., Khademi, M., & Giromini, L. (2015). When therapists cry: Implications for supervision and training. Clinical Supervisor, 34(2), 164-183.

Breese, L., Boon, A., & Milne, D. (2012). Detecting excellent episodes in clinical supervision: A case-study, comparing two approaches. The Clinical Supervisor, 31(2), 121-137.

Carmel, A., Villatte, J. L., Rosenthal, M. Z., Chalker, S., & Comtois, K. A. (2016). Applying technological approaches to clinical supervision in dialectical behavior therapy: A randomized feasibility trial of the bug-in-the-eye (BITE) model. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 23(2), 221-229.

Cliffe, T., Beinart, H., & Cooper, M. (2016). Development and Validation of a Short Version of the Supervisory Relationship Questionnaire. Clinical Psychology y Psychotherapy, 23(1), 77–86.

Coren, S., & Farber, B. A. (2019). A qualitative investigation of the nature of “informal supervision” among therapists in training. Psychotherapy Research, 29(5), 679-690.

Costa, B., & Dewaele, J. (2019). The talking cure-building the core skills and the confidence of counsellors and psychotherapists to work effectively with multilingual patients through training and supervision. Counselling y Psychotherapy Research, 19(3), 231-240.

Cromarty, P., Gallagher, D., y Watson, J. (2020). Remote delivery of CBT training, clinical supervision and services: in times of crisis or business as usual. Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 13, 1–12.

Daskal, A. M. (2008). Poniendo la lupa en la supervisión clínica. Revista Argentina de Clínica Psicológica, 17(3), 215-224.

Dawson, D., & Akhurst, J. (2015). “I wouldn’t dream of ending with a client in the way he did to me”: An exploration of supervisees’ experiences of an unplanned ending to the supervisory relationship. Counselling y Psychotherapy Research, 15(1), 21-30.

De Stefano, J., Hutman, H., & Gazzola, N. (2017). Putting on the face: A qualitative study of power dynamics in clinical supervision. Clinical Supervisor, 36(2), 223-240.

Denyer, D., & Tranfield, D. (2009). Producing a systematic review. En D. A. Buchanan & A. Bryman (Eds.), The Sage handbook of organizational research methods (pp. 671-689). Sage Publications Ltd.

Des Champs, C. (2001). Entrenamiento y supervisión: un acercamiento teórico-práctico.

Ellis, M. V., Creaner, M., Hutman, H., & Timulak, L. (2015). A comparative study of clinical supervision in the Republic of Ireland and the United States. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 62(4), 621-631.

Falender, C. A. (2014). Supervision outcomes: Beginning the journey beyond the emperor’s new clothes. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 8(3), 143-148.

Falender, C. A., & Shafranske, E. P. (2004). Clinical supervision: A competency-based approach.
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Field, T. A. (2016). A different type of supervision: Training clinical mental health counseling interns in dialectical behavior therapy. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 38(3), 233-247.

Finch, J., Ford, C., Lombardo, C., & Meiser-Stedman, R. (2020). A survey of evidence-based practice, training, supervision and clinician confidence relating to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) therapies in UK child and adolescent mental health professionals. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 11(1), 1-11.

Forshaw, G., Sabin-Farrell, R., & Schröder, T. (2019). Supervisors’ experience of delivering individual clinical supervision to qualified therapists: A meta-ethnographic synthesis. Mental Health Review Journal, 24(1), 51-68.

Fouad, N. A., Grus, C. L., Hatcher, R. L., Kaslow, N. J., Hutchings, P. S., Madson, M. B., Collins, F. L., & Crossman, R. E. (2009). Competency benchmarks: A model for understanding and measuring competence in professional psychology across training levels. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 3(4 Suppl), S5–S26.

Foxwell, A. A., Kennard, B. D., Rodgers, C., Wolfe, K. L., Cassedy, H. F., & Thomas, A. (2017). Developing a peer mentorship program to increase competence in clinical supervision in clinical psychology doctoral training programs. Academic Psychiatry, 41(6), 828-832.

Gaete, J., Strong, T., & Amundson, J. (2017). Dynamic accountability in clinical training and supervision: Three orienting ideals. European Journal of Psychotherapy and Counselling, 19(2), 200-221.

Genuchi, M. C., Rings, J. A., Germek, M. D., & Erickson Cornish, J. A. (2015). Clinical supervisors’ perceptions of the clarity and comprehensiveness of the supervision competencies framework. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 9(1), 68-76.

Glazer, H. R., & Stein, D. (2015). Mindfulness and the play-therapist supervisor: A study in transformative learning. International Journal of Play Therapy, 24(1), 41-53.

Goodyear, R. K. (2014). Supervision as pedagogy: Attending to its essential instructional and learning processes. The Clinical Supervisor, 33(1), 82-99.

Handelsman, M. M., Gottlieb, M. C., & Knapp, S. (2005). Training ethical psychologists: An acculturation model. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 36(1), 59.

Harris, R., Maguire, T., & Newman-Taylor, K. (2021). What do trainee cognitive behavioural therapists need from clinical supervision to develop their skills in working with people with psychosis? A qualitative analysis. Psychosis, 14(2), 120-130.

Hawkins, P., & McMahon, A. (2020). Supervision in the helping professions (5.a ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.

Hill, C. E., Lent, R. W., Morrison, M. A., Pinto-Coelho, K., Jackson, J. L., & Kivlighan, D. M. (2016). Contribution of supervisor interventions to client change: The therapist perspective. Clinical Supervisor, 35(2), 227-248.

Hill, V., Bond, C., Atkinson, C., Woods, K., Gibbs, S., Howe, J., & Morris, S. (2015). Developing as a practitioner: How supervision supports the learning and development of trainee educational psychologists in three-year doctoral training. Educational & Child Psychology, 32(3), 119-131.

Holloway, E. L., & Neufeldt, S. A. (1995). Supervision: Its contributions to treatment efficacy. Journal of Consulting And Clinical Psychology, 63(2), 207.

Johnston, L. H., & Milne, D. L. (2012). How do supervisee's learn during supervision? A grounded theory study of the perceived developmental process. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 5(1), 1-23.

Jordan, S. E., & Shearer, E. M. (2019). An exploration of supervision delivered via Clinical Video Telehealth (CVT). Training y Education in Professional Psychology, 13(4), 323-330.

Kozlowski, J. M., Pruitt, N. T., DeWalt, T. A., & Knox, S. (2014). Can boundary crossings in clinical supervision be beneficial? Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 27(2), 109-126.

Ladany, N. (2013). Conducting effective clinical supervision. En G. P., Koocher, J. C., Norcross, & B. A. Greene (Eds.), Psychologists' desk reference (pp. 727–730). Oxford University Press.

Låm, A. M. (2016). Dialogical research in supervision: Practical guidelines from experienced supervisors in family therapy, child protection, and specialty mental health services. Australian y New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 37(3), 282-296.

Li, C. -I., Fairhurst, S., Chege, C., Jenks, E. H., Tsong, Y., Golden, D., White, L., Andreassen, A., Scott, S., Souris, M. J., Schmitt, S. S., & Hefley, A. (2016). Card-sorting as a tool for communicating the relative importance of supervisor interventions. Clinical Supervisor, 35(1), 80-97.

Loubat, M. (2005). Supervisión en psicoterapia: una posición sustentada en la experiencia clínica. Terapia psicológica, 23(2), 75-84.

Lucid, M. L. R., Pullmann, M. D., Jungbluth, N., Deblinger, E., & Dorsey, S. (2018). Supervision in community mental health: Understanding intensity of EBT Focus. Behavior Therapy, 49(4), 481-493.

McComb, J. L., Diamond, R. M., Breunlin, D. C., Chambers, A. L., & Murray, K. S. F. (2019). Introducing client feedback into marriage and family therapy supervision: A qualitative study examining the transition to empirically informed supervision. Journal of Family Therapy, 41(2), 214-231.

McKibben, W. B., & Webber, W. B. (2017). Investigating the impact of supervisee attachment system activation on the supervisory relationship. Clinical Supervisor, 36(2), 324-339.

McMahon, A., & Errity, D. (2014). From new vistas to life lines: Psychologists' satisfaction with supervision and confidence in supervising. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 21(3), 264-275.

Michael, S. T., Blakey, S. M., Sherrill, A. M., & Aosved, A. C. (2021). E1posure therapy training and supervision: Research-informed strategies for addressing barriers to adoption and dissemination. Training y Education in Professional Psychology, 15(2), 97-105.

Mosley, M. A., Parker, M. L., & Call, T. (2021). MFT supervision in the era of telehealth: Attachment, tasks, and ethical considerations. Journal of Family Therapy, 44(2), 224-238.

Murr, S., Nicklas, L., & Harper, S. (2020). How does supervision aid cognitive behaviour therapy skill development? Perspectives of CBT trainees: A thematic analysis. Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 13, 1-16.

Nadan, Y., Shachar, R., Cramer, D., Leshem, T., Levenbach, D., Rozen, R., Salton, N., & Cramer, S. (2020). Behind the (Virtual) Mirror: Online Live Supervision in Couple and Family Therapy. Family Process, 59(3), 997–1006.

Napel, S. M. C., Abma, T. A., Bamelis, L. L. M., & Arntz, A. (2017). How to train experienced therapists in a new method: A qualitative study into therapists’ views. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 24(2), 359-372.

Nel, L., & Fouche, P. (2017). Experiences of master’s students regarding clinical supervision in an applied psychology programme in South Africa. Teaching in Higher Education, 22(1), 30-43.

Norberg, J., Axelsson, H., Barkman, N., Hamrin, M., & Carlsson, J. (2016). What psychodynamic supervisors say about supervision: Freedom within limits. Clinical Supervisor, 35(2), 268-286.

Norcross, J. C., & Popple, L. M. (2017). Supervision essentials for integrative psychotherapy. American Psychological Association.

Novoa Gómez, M., & Córdoba, Ó. A. (2019). Pertinencia de la formación para la supervisión clínica. Diálogos sobre investigación. Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorez.

O’Brien, N., & Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A. (2016). Lesbian, gay, and bisexual supervisees’ experiences of lgb-affirmative and non-affirmative supervision in COAMFTE-Accredited Training Programs. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 28(4), 115-135.

O’Donovan, A., Clough, B., & Petch, J. (2017). Is supervisor training effective? A pilot investigation of clinical supervisor training program. Australian Psychologist, 52(2), 149-154.

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Pesqueira, M. I., Ramírez, I., Ceruti, P., & Carter, J. W. (2021). Practicing clinical supervision in Chile: Lessons from 28 years of training. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 51(1), 201-210.

Phillips, J. C., Parent, M. C., Dozier, V. C., & Jackson, P. L. (2017). Depth of discussion of multicultural identities in supervision and supervisory outcomes. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 30(2), 188-210.

Ramsey, A. T., Baumann, A., Patterson Silver Wolf, D., Proctor, E., Yan, Y., & Cooper, B. (2017). The need for data-informed clinical supervision in substance use disorder treatment. Journal of Addictive Diseases, 36(2), 117-126.

Reichelt, S., Skjerve, J., Nielsen, G. H., Grova, B., & Torgersen, A. M. (2015) Managing group supervision with beginning therapists: What can experienced supervisors tell us? Nordic Psychology, 67(4), 285–300.
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Rieck, T., Callahan, J. L., & Watkins, C. (2015). Clinical supervision: An exploration of possible mechanisms of action. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 9(2), 187-194.

Robbins, M. S., Waldron, H. B., Turner, C. W., Brody, J., Hops, H., & Ozechowski, T. (2019). Evaluating supervision models in functional family therapy: Does adding observation enhance outcomes? Family process, 58(4), 873-890.

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Rousmaniere, T. G., Swift, J. K., Babins-Wagner, R., Whipple, J. L., & Berzins, S. (2016). Supervisor variance in psychotherapy outcome in routine practice. Psychotherapy Research, 26(2), 196-205.

Santangelo, P. R., & Conde, K. (2020). Relación de supervisión: adaptación del S-SRQ en psicoterapeutas argentinos. CES Psicología, 13(3), 76-87.

Schmidt, L. M., & Foli-Andersen, N. J. (2017). Psychotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy supervision in Danish psychiatry: Training the next generation of psychiatrists. Academic Psychiatry, 41(1), 4-9.

Schmutz, A. M. S., Gardner-Lubbe, S., & Archer, E. (2013). Clinical educators' self-reported personal and professional development after completing a short course in undergraduate clinical supervision at
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Seponski, D. M., & Jordan, L. S. (2018). Cross‐cultural supervision in international settings: Experiences of foreign supervisors and native supervisees in Cambodia. Journal of Family Therapy, 40(2), 247-264.

Simpson-Southward, C., Waller, G., & Hardy, G. E. (2016). Supervision for treatment of depression: An experimental study of the role of therapist gender and anxiety. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 77, 17-22.

Singh, P. N., & Cartwright, D. (2019). The unsaid: In‐depth accounts of non‐disclosures in supervision from the trainees’ perspective. Counselling & Psychotherapy Research, 19(1), 83-92.

Somerville, W., Marcus, S., & Chang, D. F. (2019). Multicultural competence–focused peer supervision: A multiple case study of clinical and counseling psychology trainees. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 47(4), 274-294.

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Törnquist, A., Rakovshik, S., Carlsson, J., & Norberg, J. (2018). How supervisees on a foundation course in CBT perceive a supervision session and what they bring forward to the next therapy session. Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapy, 46(3), 302-317.

Urmanche, A. A., Minges, M., Eubanks, C. F., Gorman, B. S., & Muran, J. C. (2021). Deepening the Group Training Experience: Group Cohesion and Supervision Impact in Alliance-Focused Training. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice. The Official Journal of Division 49, Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy of the American Psychological Association, 25(1), 59–73. https://doi-org/10.1037/gdn0000134

Vassilopoulou, V., & Layiou-Lignos, E. (2019). Dreaming up the patient in supervision: From the concrete to the symbolic. Journal of Child Psychotherapy, 45(2), 176-190.

Vance, A., Thériault, A., & Gazzola, N. (2021). Psychotherapist use-of-self in clinical supervision: A qualitative investigation of supervisor e1periences. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 49(4), 603-616.

Wallace, K., & Cooper, M. (2015). Development of supervision personalisation forms: A qualitative study of the dimensions along which supervisors’ practices vary. Counselling & Psychotherapy Research, 15, 31-40.

Watkins, C. E. (2020). Relational humility and clinical supervision: On hypotheses, method, and measurement. The Clinical Supervisor, 39(2), 148-167.

Weck, F., Jakob, M., Neng, J. M. B., Höfling, V., Grikscheit, F., & Bohus, M. (2016). The effects of Bug-in-the-Eye supervision on therapeutic alliance and therapist competence in cognitive-behavioural therapy: A randomized controlled trial. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 23(5), 386-396.

Weck, F., Kaufmann, Y. M., & Witthöft, M. (2017). Topics and techniques in clinical supervision in psychotherapy training. Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 10, 1-17.

West, P. L., & Hamm, T. (2012). A study of clinical supervision techniques and training in substance abuse treatment. Journal of Addictions y Offender Counseling, 33(2), 66-81.

Wrape, E. R., Callahan, J. L., Rieck, T., & Watkins, C. E. (2017). Attachment theory within clinical supervision: Application of the conceptual to the empirical. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 31(1), 37-54.
Cómo citar
Botero-García, C., Giovanni, I., & Morales Arias, C. (2022). Supervisión en psicología clínica: Una revisión sobre estudios empíricos 2012-2021. Universitas Psychologica, 21, 1–19.
Especial Monográfico 20 años

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