Published Jul 24, 2014


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Paula Denisse Flores Zúñiga

Maria Isabel Salinas


This article is a phenomenological descriptive-exploratory approach to sex offenses committed by women against children and adolescents, both male and female. The study is based on the quantification of the main variables generally taken into account by the specialized literature, such as victimoffender bond, victim, victimization strategy, nature of the offense, among others. The sources of information used for the investigation consisted of legal records and psychological reports, both provided by an institution which has an assisting role to the Chilean legal system. The main findings indicate that most of the victims belong to nursery school and have a publically known bond to the offender. Also, the strategy used to achieve submission of the victim as well as the nature of the sexual contact itself are both likely to be related to the age of the victim. As a conclusion, a phenomenological turn can be recognized regarding the place of the offender in the victim’s life, in which the role of care-taker becomes crucial in the
comprehension of this kind of offence.

agresoras sexuales, delitos sexuales, psicología forensefemale sex offenders, sex offenses, forensic psychology

How to Cite
Flores Zúñiga, P. D., & Salinas, M. I. (2014). Sexual Offenses Committed by Women against Children and Adolescents: Characterization and Phenomenological Analysis in the Chilean Context. Universitas Psychologica, 14(1), 137–148.