Mission: Universitas Odontologica is the scientific, peer-reviewed, open access journal of the Pontifical Xavierian University’s Dental School from Bogota, Colombia. The journal publishes high-level original dental research, generated in and about Ibero-Latin America, in order to promote professional and scientific-academic development and link it with the different forms of dental practice.

Vision: Universitas Odontologica will become one of the world's leading dental scientific publications in the dissemination of dental knowledge generated in and about Ibero-Latin America. Its status will be evident through its recognition by international scientific, academic and professional institutions and associations, for its high rates of manuscript reception, consultation and citation, and for its inclusion in prestigious local, regional, and international bibliographic information services.

Description: Universitas Odontologica is aimed at academics, scientists, and professionals interested in disseminating original research results and staying up to date on cutting-edge dental issues. The journal receives original research articles, evidence analysis (meta-analyses and different types of systematic reviews of literature), and systematic reviews supported by case descriptions (of sporadic appearance or introducing treatment alternatives) to generate new research questions.

Open Access Statement: Universitas Odontologica is published under the Diamond Open Access model. It is completely free for authors and readers. This means that neither authors are charged for submitting or publishing articles, nor are readers charged for accessing journal content. Universitas Odontologica is entirely funded by the Pontifical Xavierian University.

Frequency: Universitas Odontologica is published in open-access electronic format through an annual rolling volume frequency, that is, every article that is evaluated by double-blind peer review and accepted for publication is prepared and published immediately. It is not published by issue.

Languages: Universitas Odontologica accepts manuscripts in Spanish, English, and Portuguese, but all articles accepted for publication are translated and published only into English.

Evaluation: All manuscripts undergo a methodological evaluation by the editors and a double-blind review by referees external to the authors’ institutions of affiliation.

Sections: Universitas Odontologica’s sections are organized by application scope (not by specialty or type of article): health care management and guild-related issues; bioethics; basic sciences, biotechnology, and bioinformatics; scientometrics, literature analysis, and scientific writing; dental education; dental materials and laboratory; legal and forensic dentistry; clinical practice; buccal public health and epidemiology; and trending topics through thematic dossiers.