Published Jul 28, 2017


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Carlos Alberto Serrano Méndez

Karen Andrea Avendaño Calderón

Paula Andrea Moreno Caro



ABSTRACT. Background: Several epidemiology reports have shown high prevalence of gingivitis among adolescents and young individuals in Colombia. The Third Colombian Oral Health Study described how approximately 70 % of individuals 15-24 years had gingival bleeding. Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of an individualized oral hygiene program that uses social media to treat gingivitis on young university students from Bogotá, Colombia. Methods: Thirty-eight students with gingivitis participated in a program that included: Individualized oral hygiene instruction, professional removal of plaque and calculus and, recall and support on oral hygiene through the use of social media. Evaluated clinical parameters included: plaque accumulation, bleeding on probing, probing depth and clinical attachment levels, these measured at baseline and at a follow-up examination four weeks later. Wilcoxon test was used. Results: Plaque accumulation was significantly reduced from 72.6 % to 29.6 %, similarly bleeding on probing was reduced, from 36.7 % to 13.8%, a slight reduction in probing depth and gain in attachment level was observed. Subjects reported an increased frequency for toothbrushing and use of dental floss. Conclusion: The program showed efficacy in the treatment of gingivitis, subjects were highly positive to the use of social media.


adultos jóvenes, educación en salud oral, gingivitis, higiene oral, prevención primaria, redes sociales, epidemiología, prevención y controlgingivitis, oral health education, oral hygiene, primary prevention, social media, young adult, oral epidemiology, prevention and control

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How to Cite
Serrano Méndez, C. A., Avendaño Calderón, K. A., & Moreno Caro, P. A. (2017). Efficacy of an Individualized Prevention Program Including Social Media Support on University Students with Gingivitis. Universitas Odontologica, 36(76).
Public Health and Oral Epidemiology