Published Apr 6, 2019


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Herney Alonso Rengifo Reina

Lida Margot Muñoz Ordóñez



Background: Mothers exert influence on habits in family and children's health, the study of the knowledge, practices and beliefs of mothers regarding the health and oral health of their children is relevant to local and regional public health, a situation that has been very little studied. Purpose: To determine the beliefs, knowledge and practices about the oral health of mothers of children under five years of age who attend the public health network of the city of Popayán, Colombia. Methods: Analytical descriptive observational study, a survey of 288 mothers who took their children to the growth and development program, statistical analysis was performed according to frequency and distribution through SK Test, Chi-square test, Fischer test or Student's T test, considering them statistically significant when p ≤ 0.05. Results: The average age of the women surveyed was 28 years, 20.5% considered that the teeth should only last a few years, 76.4 % believe that the risk of suffering tooth decay is due to bad habits, 55.9 % said they do not know what dental caries is, 87.1 % know how to avoid dental caries, 35.9 % of children sleep to a greater extent with the bottle. Conclusions: Mothers have an adequate level of knowledge for dental health, diseases of the mouth and prevention. It was observed that younger mothers take their majority to preventive services.


child, Colombia, dental caries, habits, health knowledge, health attitudes, health behaviors, mothers, oral health, Popayan, dentistry, oral epidemiology, public healthcaries dental, Colombia, actitudes en salud, conocimientos en salud, hábitos, madres, niño, Popayán, prácticas en salud, salud bucal, epidemiologia oral, conductas en salud, odontología, salud públicacáries dentárias, Colômbia, atitudes em saúde, conhecimento em saúde, hábitos, mães, criança, Popayán, práticas em saúde, saúde bucal, epidemiologia oral, odontologia, saúde pública

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How to Cite
Rengifo Reina, H. A., & Muñoz Ordóñez, L. M. (2019). Mothers’ Beliefs, Knowledge, and Practices Regarding Oral Health in Popayan, Colombia. Universitas Odontologica, 38(80).
Thematic Dossier