Published Dec 31, 2022


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Ernesto Luna Maldonado



Purpose: This article describes the author’s professional experience of 29 years in a home geriatric dentistry service. Methods: The manuscript uses autobiography as a methodology to report this experience with an elderly community in conditions of disability in the city of Medellín, Colombia. Findings: The history of the service dates back to the early 1990s when the author was a university professor. It describes how the service and training developed in scientific areas that are not often part of the academic curriculum of dental schools. Likewise, it relates how the service was formalized and how the professional dentist-patient/family member/caregiver relationship consolidated until the service’s closure in 2019 just before the COVID 19 pandemic.


community dentistry, dentistry, dentistry for the disabled, dentistry for the handicapped, geriatric dentistry, geriatric health care, gerodontology, history of dentistry, home careatención domiciliaria, gerodontología, odontología, odontología comunitaria, odontología para discapacitados, odontología para minusválidos, historia de la odontología, odontología geriátrica, cuidado geriátrico de la saludatendimento domiciliar, cuidados de saúde geriátrica, gerodontología, odontologia, odontologia comunitária, odontologia para deficientes, história da odontologia, odontologia geriátrica

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How to Cite
Luna Maldonado, E. (2022). Twenty-Nine Years of Home Gerodontological Assistance. Universitas Odontologica, 41.
Thematic dossier: Aging and Dentistry