Published Dec 29, 2020


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William Andrés Vargas Madrid

Andrea Montserrat González Bustamante

Paola Elizabeth Zurita Minango



Background: Third molar eruption occurs in a very limited space. Several difficulty scales have been used to determine the complexity when extracting retained molars, which are key for surgical planning and prediction. A scale including indicators such as quality of mucosa and bone, as well as shape and number of roots is introduced. Purpose: Evaluate the difficulty in extracting retained lower third molars, using the scale proposed by Romero-Ruiz, and thus estimate the presence of intraoperative complications and surgical time. Methods: An observational descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out, with a sample of 100 extractions of retained lower third molars in patients between 16 and 40 years of age. The following variables were evaluated: spatial relationship, depth, relationship with mandible ramus/space, integrity of bone and mucosa, roots, dental follicle, and surgical time. The data were summarized in absolute frequency tables and analyzed with Pearson's Chi2 test (p < 0.05). Results: 71 % of third molars were classified as “difficult” on the scale. There were significant differences in terms of surgical time-age (p = 0.002), presence of complications-location of the third molar (p = 0.015), presence of complications-follicle size (p = 0.022), difficulty-sex (p = 0.011 ), difficulty-age (p = 0.068). Conclusions: This scale can be used to plan extraction treatments for retained lower third molars to reduce surgical times and anticipate complications.


cirugía bucal, cirugía oral, complicaciones intraoperatorias, diagnóstico bucal, diente retenido, escala de valoración de riesgo, folículo dental, odontología, planeación del tratamiento, tercer molar, tiempo quirúrgicocirurgia oral, complicações intraoperatórias, dente retido, diagnóstico oral, escala de avaliação de risco, folículo dentário, odontologia, planejamento de tratamento, tempo cirúrgico, terceiro molardental follicle, dentistry, intraoperative complications, impacted tooth, oral diagnostics, oral surgery, retained tooth, risk assessment scale, surgical time, third molar, treatment planning

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How to Cite
Vargas Madrid, W. A., González Bustamante, A. M., & Zurita Minango, P. E. (2020). Predictive Factors to Assess the Difficulty to Extract Retained Lower Third Molars. Universitas Odontologica, 39.
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