Description of Swallowing and Chewing Processes in Adults with Down Syndrome: An Exploratory Review
Background: Down syndrome is the most prevalent genetic condition among people with disabilities. Given the increased life expectancy of these patients, it is important to improve their general and oral health conditions in adult life. During this stage of their life cycle, effects of aging such as loss of muscle mass, strength, and coordination, are added to their condition, which also impacts the stomatognathic system and causes alterations in vital functions such as swallowing and chewing. Purpose: To explore and describe the characteristics of the orofacial functions of swallowing and chewing in adults with Down syndrome. Methods: A search for titles was performed in the PubMed, LiLACS and SciELO databases. The terms and Boolean operators used were (down syndrome) AND (feeding disorders); (down syndrome) AND ((deglutition disorders) OR (dysphagia)); and (down syndrome) AND ((chewing disorders) OR (masticatory dysfunction)). Findings: The search yielded 82 articles and, after carrying out a selection process, 11 articles were included to prepare the review. Conclusions: Adults with Down syndrome have anatomical and functional features that affect the chewing and swallowing processes. Likewise, the characteristics of the food can also influence the performance of both orofacial functions. It is recommended to study, in future research, the parental or caregiver perspectives of swallowing and chewing of adults with Down syndrome to determine how they influence the feeding process and identify the actions they perform to facilitate this process.
adultos, deglución, discapacidad, funciones orofaciales, masticación, medicina oral, odontología, paciente especial, síndrome de Downadults, chewing, dentistry, disability, Down syndrome, mastication, oral medicine, orofacial functions, special patient, swallowingadultos, deficiência, deglutição, funções orofaciais, mastigação, medicina oral, odontologia, paciente especial, síndrome de Down
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