Published Dec 19, 2023


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Wilson Giovanni Jiménez-Barbosa

Johanna Sareth Acuña Gómez

Gino Montenegro Martínez



Background: The Covid-19 pandemic involved the establishment of health emergency measures, among others, the suspension and subsequent progressive reopening of dental care. Purpose: Understand how health measures due to Covid-19 affected owners of dental offices and clinics in Bogotá, Colombia, and whether these aggravated the crisis of the profession. Methods: a qualitative study was conducted, interviewing seven dentists who owned dental clinics or offices. They investigated working conditions, economic changes, hiring conditions and the participation of professional organizations in the pandemic. Results: Dentistry was already in a crisis that was exacerbated by health measures in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. Those interviewed did not perceive a quick leadership voice from government entities to establish care protocols. Administrative management is different according to the capabilities of dental clinics compared to private offices. Finally, the pandemic and mobility restrictions made it possible to establish improvements in time shared with the family; however, this affected the owners' income, leading them to seek other forms of income. Conclusions: Dentistry has been in crisis for many years, which was more evident with the confinement measures implemented to control the Covid-19 pandemic. There are differences in administrative management in favor of dental clinics that were essential in the context of the pandemic.


administración en salud, infecciones por coronavirus, investigación sobre servicios de salud, odontología, pandemias, personal de salud, personal de odontología, salud públicaCoronavirus infections, dental personnel, dentistry, health care management, health personnel, health services research, pandemics, public healthgestão de saúde, infecções por coronavírus, pesquisas em serviços de saúde, odontologia, pandemias, pessoal de saúde, pessoal odontológico, saúde pública

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How to Cite
Jiménez-Barbosa, W. G., Acuña Gómez, J. S., & Montenegro Martínez, G. (2023). Dentistry: A Crisis Aggravated by the Covid-19 Pandemic. Universitas Odontologica, 42.
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